Early screening and orthodontic treatment can prevent your child from a tooth extraction.

Early treatment is one of the keys to avoid the need to extract perfectly good teeth.
When should a child see an orthodontist?
The Association of Orthodontists recommends kids have their first orthodontic screening when parents notice signs of an orthodontic problem or, by age 7.
By this time the first permanent teeth will have come through.
So we will have a pretty good idea whether or not treatment needs to be started.
We will offer a free, regular oral development monitoring program for your child. This allows us to begin their individual treatment at the best time possible.
A referral from your dentist is not necessary.
We have many years of experience & training in assessing a child’s pace of oral development. As such, it is usually immediately obvious to us what level of treatment will be required.
In most of the early treatment cases, it is UNNECESSARY to remove a tooth for any reason.
1. We can identify extra or missing teeth
2. Correct harmful habits
3. Guide tooth eruption
4. Correct jaw growth problems and sleep disorder breathing (sleep apnea)
5. Make room for crowded teeth
6. Boost self-esteem
7. Prevent damage and trauma to the teeth and gums
What can we do to make you smile?
Make an appointment today 09 448 1128