MENE (smile)
Kia Ora.
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.
Māori Language Week 12-18. September 2022
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice for an appointment
MENE (smile)
Kia Ora.
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.
Māori Language Week 12-18. September 2022
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice for an appointment
According to science, neurons in the brain have a synchronizing feature that keeps you in sync with who are you speaking to. If they smile, you’ll smile!
Smiling makes you look prettier.
Studies have proven that 70% of people find smiling faces to be better-looking than faces with makeup.
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice and make an appointment today.
All Smiles are different.
At Bachmann Orthodontics, we help children, teenagers, and adults achieve dream smiles.
Our North Shore Orthodontic practice offers expertise and precision in a friendly, relaxing environment. Our priority is to provide excellent, affordable and convenient orthodontic treatment.
However, the best cure we offer is a big BachmannSmile.
Let’s find out what we can do for you.
Clear or metal, hidden or invisible braces, or clear aligners? There are many options. We will figure out what is the best for you to get the best result. A perfect BachmannSmile.
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09448 1128 & make an appointment today.
What sets our North Shore orthodontics praxis apart?
A professional team of orthodontists and orthodontic auxiliaries is dedicated to creating a positive experience.
A fun, welcoming practice conveniently located in Albany on Auckland’s North Shore.
We offer flexible payment plans and finance options for your orthodontic treatments.
At Bachmann Orthodontics, you are always in capable hands. Get a World-Class Experience and perfect Bachmannsmile
What can we do to make you smile?
What can you do to make us smile!
We’d appreciate your positive comments on the google review.
What can we do to make you smile?
New research has shown that interdental cleaning before brushing is the best way to clean our teeth effectively. The study found that flossing loosens bacteria and food debris from between the teeth. This allows brushing to be much more successful at removing plaque.
Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is essential for a good oral health routine. However, the study shows that interdental cleaning also has a big part to play in keeping our teeth and gums healthy.
Brushing alone only cleans three of the five surfaces of our teeth. Cleaning between them before we pick up our toothbrush is hugely beneficial. Especially when you have braces or aligners, it helps prevent gum disease by removing plaque from areas the toothbrush alone cannot reach.
It is a myth that having a good oral health routine begins and ends with brushing our teeth twice a day.
The importance of looking after the health of our teeth and gums by cleaning interdentally and then brushing cannot be stressed enough. Doing this alongside maintaining a balanced, low-in-sugar diet and regularly visiting the dentist. This will make us far less likely to encounter problems with our oral health.”
What can we do to make you smile?
We are sure you all enjoyed your school holidays.
Isn’t it great to see all your friends in school today?
Outstanding education and a beautiful smile are the best investments for your bright future. They are also the most powerful tools in global communication.
Call Candice 094481128 and make an appointment today.
What can we do to make you smile?
Bachmann Orthodontics.
It’s always the right time for a bright Bachmannsmile.
This weekend is officially the end of summer.
We are turning our clocks back an hour.
However, your bright Bachmannsmile will always bring light into the dark.
Light up your life with a great Bachmannsmile.
It is also a good reason to boost your smile with our teeth whitening options.
Do you have stained or discoloured teeth?
Many people experience teeth staining or discolouration – whether from the consumption of staining foods and drinks, certain medicines, or poor oral hygiene. Teeth whitening treatments can lift most stains and brighten up to 8 shades lighter. Our team at Bachmann Orthodontics is helping you achieve the smile you want.
Teeth whitening is one of the most requested cosmetic treatments, popular among adults of all ages. We offer in-chair whitening and custom take-home whitening kits.
Find out which teeth whitening option is best for you.
Don’t forget to turn the clock back at the weekend, enjoy one-hour more sleep, and get bright light with a smile first thing in the morning.
It’s always the right time for a Bachmannsmile. 09448 1128
What can we do to make you smile?
After diamonds, tooth enamel is the second hardest compound in the world.
The hardest substance in the body is tooth enamel, your teeth’s natural defence system. The only naturally occurring substance harder than tooth enamel is diamond. Tooth enamel is the hard white substance covering the crown of a tooth.
Unfortunately, tooth enamel can wear away over time.
Acids also temporarily soften your tooth every time you eat or drink, making it vulnerable. Luckily, your saliva contains compounds that re-strengthen tooth enamel soon after this occurs. However, all mouth components work together, and therefore you need regular check-ups to make sure that everything is functioning correctly.
Not only does tooth enamel protect your teeth, but it also controls how temperature is sensed in the internal nerve of each tooth.
What can we do to make you smile?
Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today
Orthodontics can help correct your child’s bite before their adult teeth come in. The recommended age to visit an orthodontist is the age of seven. It is the ideal age for several reasons.
First, it is beneficial to the orthodontist to see how the smile is shaping up with the mix of baby and permanent teeth.
Second, Bachmann Orthodontics can monitor the eruption pattern of permanent teeth, jaw growth and development, and spot any issues that might become more serious as the permanent teeth begin to erupt.
In some cases, if we wait until all the baby teeth have fallen out, that may be too late to create an ideal smile most effectively. But on the other hand, treating patients while still having some baby teeth can create a perfect environment into which the permanent teeth can erupt. And often, this means later treatment is more effective and efficient.
The younger your child is, the more straightforward orthodontic treatment can be. The most important reason is that both the upper and lower jaws are still growing. This is giving us the chance to guide their development to ensure we can reduce crowding and help the permanent teeth erupt correctly.
We have implemented a free, regular oral development monitoring program for your child to ensure we begin their treatment at the best time possible. In addition, we have many years of experience & training in assessing a child’s pace of oral development. Therefore, it is usually immediately evident to us what level of treatment will be required.
When we assess a child or young adult, we always consider what their teeth are likely to do between the time we first see them and when their treatment is expected to begin. As a result, we can more accurately estimate the best age for braces in their specific case. In addition, we constantly tailor our orthodontic treatment programs to each and their needs.
What can we do to make you smile?
Make an appointment today and find out what will be the best treatment plan for your child to become a perfect Bachmannsmile.
#OrthodontistsAssociation #Crossbites #Underbites #Overbites #Openbites #overcrowding #permanentteeth #braces #specialistorthodontist #bachmannorthodontics
Happy 2022. We hope you had an awesome holiday break. The new year is a good reason to give your smile a boost with our teeth whitening options.
Do you have stained or discoloured teeth?
Many people experience teeth staining or discolouration – whether from the consumption of staining foods and drinks, certain medicines, or poor oral hygiene. Teeth whitening treatments can lift most stains and brighten up to 8 shades lighter. Our team at Bachmann Orthodontics is helping you achieve the smile you want.
Teeth whitening is one of the most requested cosmetic treatments, popular among adults of all ages. We offer in-chair whitening and custom take-home whitening kits.
Find out which teeth whitening option is best for you, then call Candice and make an appointment today.
09 448 1128 or
What can we do to make you smile?
#hygienist #whiteteeth #teethwhitening #toothwhitening #dentalhygienist #dentaltherapist #therapist #orthodonticaxiliary #dentalauxiliary #smile #oralhygiene #oral #oralhealth #shine #univeristydegree #hygienistservice #bachmannsmile #bachmannorthodontics #braces #deepclean #speedbraces #newservice #seasonbreak #holidays #summertime #aligners #teeth #oralhealth #northshoreorthodontist #aucklandorthodontist
Just do it.
It’s so easy.
Floss every day
It is impossible to reach the tight spaces between your teeth and under the gumline with a toothbrush. That’s why Bachmann Orthodontics emphasise the importance of flossing every day, especially when you have braces or fixed retainers. We also advise that the best time to floss your teeth is before bedtime.
Are you worried about your oral health? Want to learn more on how to keep your smile beautiful?
Call our Auckland Orthodontic office to schedule your first consultation.
Book a consultation today at 094481128
What can we do to make you smile?
Smiling is a universal sign of happiness.
You can show it to all your friends without wearing a mask. Just send a picture with your awesome Bachmannsmile.
The Link Between Smiling and Happiness
Smiling is a universal sign of happiness. No matter what country you go to or what culture you take in, smiling is a sign of joy and acceptance. The main reason for that is because studies have shown that when a person is smiling, it affects specific muscles that can make that person feel happy. In addition, when you use these particular muscles, your brain will release endorphins, which are brain chemicals that will induce feelings of pleasure and euphoria. So smiling indeed does have the ability to make you happier – even if you have to force yourself into doing so!
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice with a smile 09 448 1128 or send us a smile email.
#bachmannsmile #bachmannorthodontics
Lemon juice, like many fruit juices, is acidic. The Fact is, when we drink it, it can cause enamel erosion on our teeth. Lemon juice has a pH level of 2-3 which means it is causing harm to our teeth because liquids with a pH level under four have been proven to impact our dental health negatively.
It’s possible to reap the benefits of lemon water while reducing the risk of damage to your teeth. We recommend:
Just how horrible are these drinks for you? Here is a diagram showing the acid pH levels and teaspoons of sugar found in commonly enjoyed beverages:
Drink or Substance (12 oz. serving) | Acid pH | Tsp. Sugar |
Water | 7.0 (neutral) | 0 |
Milk | 6.7 | 1 |
Barq’s Root Beer | 4 | 11 |
Minute Maid® Orange Juice | 3.8 | 9 |
Propel® Fitness Water | 3.4 | 1 |
Red Bull® Energy Drink | 3.3 | 10 |
Sprite® | 3.3 | 10 |
Mountain Dew | 3.3 | 12 |
Diet Coke | 3.1 | 0 |
Sierra Mist | 3.1 | 10 |
Full Throttle Energy Drink | 3 | 11 |
Diet Pepsi | 3 | 0 |
Gatorade® | 2.9 | 5 |
Sunkist® Orange Soda | 2.9 | 13 |
Dr. Pepper | 2.9 | 10 |
Vault™ Energy Soda | 2.9 | 12 |
Mountain Dew AMP | 2.8 | 11 |
SoBe Energy Citrus | 2.6 | 12 |
Minute Maid® Lemonade | 2.6 | 10 |
Pepsi | 2.5 | 11 |
Diet Schweppes Tonic Water | 2.5 | 0 |
Coca-Cola | 2.4 | 10 |
Battery Acid | 1 | 0 |
Notice at the bottom of the list is battery acid. Battery acid of course is not a drink, and it should never be consumed. But according to the chart, your teeth could better fight off highly destructive battery acid than some of the drinks you have every day. An eye-opener, this should help you consider your beverage consumption more seriously.
Acid and sugar are a two punch combination for tooth decay, erosion and infection. Acid breaks down our sensitive tooth enamel and can bore into our teeth’s crevices, causing cavities. Teeth exposed by acidic erosion are an open cesspool of bacteria that can lead to infections and extraction of teeth. Sugar, most actively sucrose, develops into plaque almost instantly once in contact with your teeth. Plaque buildup is not only unbecoming, but it is where bacteria sits and festers in your mouth. Your dental health depends on avoiding drinking acidic and sugary drinks.
Let your teeth shine — while you wait for your kids.
Book our new Dental Hygienist Service parallel to your kid’s appointment for only $99*
Make an appointment today and ask for our
*(Special Offer for family members and friends of our patients. The Regular price will be $125)
09 448 1128 or
What can we do to make you smile?
Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today
The hardest substance in the body is tooth enamel. In fact, the only natural occurring substance harder than tooth enamel is diamond. Tooth enamel, your teeth’s natural defence system, is the hard white substance covering the crown of a tooth.
Unfortunately, tooth enamel can wear away over time.
Acids also temporarily soften your tooth every time you eat or drink, so it becomes vulnerable. Luckily, your saliva contains compounds that re-strengthen tooth enamel soon after this occurs. All components of the mouth work together, and therefore you need regular check-ups to make sure that everything is functioning properly.
Not only does tooth enamel protect your teeth, but it also controls how temperature is sensed in the internal nerve of each tooth.
What can we do to make you smile?
All energy drinks, even the sugar-free ones, contain an incredibly low pH level, which means they are highly acidic, almost as acidic as battery acid. That softens the tooth enamel, leaving your child’s teeth highly vulnerable to decay, cavities, and even tooth rot.
Sugar: Constant exposure to sugar in energy drinks provides cavity-causing bacteria with an abundant food source. As a result, they feast, bacteria produce acids that attack and weaken the tooth enamel’s outermost layer. That is the first stage in cavity development, which, if left untreated, can continue to progress.
Don’t let your teeth get wings.
What can we do to make you smile?
Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today
Orthodontists and dentists are working in the same profession, but they have different ways to look at things.
First of all, an orthodontist is a dentist who undertakes an additional 2 to 3 years of university full-time training and studies in orthodontics. Only an orthodontist has the post-graduate training to practice orthodontics.
Only a specialist orthodontist has the experience and knowledge to deliver safe and effective treatment. Orthodontists dedicate their lives to continuously updating their knowledge in the field of orthodontics. This is why seeing an NZ registered specialist orthodontist for your orthodontic treatment will ensure you can have absolute confidence in the level of care you will receive.
Orthodontics is what they do best. In fact, it’s what they do all day, every day.
You don’t need a referral from your dentist or dental therapist to make an appointment with a specialist orthodontist.
What can we do to make you smile?
Claudia & Lutz Bachmann, Specialist Orthodontics
you may have seen her already around — our new addition to the Bachmann Orthodontics Team.
Wanyi was born in Guangzhou, China and has been in NZ for six years. She can speak fluently in English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Before joining Bachmann Orthodontics, Wanyi was a dental nurse for two years and gained Dental Assistant certificate in early 2021. During her leisure time, you may find her at a lot of car events since her husband is a super classic car fan.
We are glad to have Wanyi on board.
What can we do to make you smile?
Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today
#team #teammember #bachmannorthodontics #bachmannsmile #orthodonticauxiliary #auxiliary #wanyi #china #cantonese #dental #mandarin #classiccar #dentalassistent #dentalnurse #nurse #braces #smile #aligners #albanyorthodontist #orthodontist #teeth #speedbraces
Thanks to endorphins from smiling, faking it till you make it actually works!
For your smile of happiness, we offer a variety of options: traditional metal braces and clear ceramic braces, hidden incognito braces, and clear aligners.
In contrast to the past appliances, today’s braces are smaller, lighter, and more comfortable to wear. Find out which option is best for your lifestyle.
Clear or metal, hidden or invisible, there are many options. We will figure out what is the best for you to get the best result. A perfect Bachmannsmile.
Make an appointment today to get your individual customised Bachmannsmile! 094481128
What is the secret of world-famous iconic brands?
A sympathetic smile.
We believe that a smile can change the world.
We aim to create the best functional and aesthetically pleasing smile.
Why do people trust brands like us? Because we are highly skilled specialists in our profession. Always work with the state of the art technologies. Make a transparent treatment plan — no hidden costs.
We can guarantee the result with our Bachmann-Smile-Guarantee.
Contact us today for an appointment at 094481128
What can we do to make you smile?
Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today
Have you heard in the news that the Government announcement to offer rebates of $8,625 for a new electric car and $5750 for a plug-in hybrid car?
Rebates of up to $3,450 will be given to those who buy used electric cars and $2,300 for plug-in hybrids.
What can be better than investing the money you have saved in your or your loved one’s smile?
100% electric smile. 100% environment friendly 100% Bachmannsmile. Welcome to the future. Visit our state of the art practice.
Call Candice 09448112 and make an appointment today.
51 Corinthian Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632. Free parking.
What can we do to make you smile?
Please, please, please,
(we can not say it often enough)
Brush Your Teeth.
It is important to brush your teeth to prevent gum disease. Refusal to brush one’s teeth for several days can lead to the onset of gum disease. Brushing ensures the removal of plaque, which is the primary cause for tooth decay and gum disease; it also arrests the build-up of any plaque formation.
Dentists say that the minimum time you should spend brushing your teeth is 3 minutes twice a day. Here are some tips on how to brush properly:
Please, please, please, brush Your Teeth.
What can we do to make you smile?
Brush the outer side of your teeth. This is the front side of your teeth that is seen when you smile. Don’t forget to remove the plaque along the part of your tooth closest to the gum line.
Begin on the outside of your top teeth. Bite your teeth together. Rub the toothbrush back and forth across your teeth while gradually moving the toothbrush across your top teeth. Make sure you reach all the way back to your molars. Spit if necessary.
Use small circles to brush the braces. Spend at least 25 – 30 seconds on each bracket. You can also use your interdental brush to brush over the tops of your brackets. Most brackets have holes in them (very hard to see) so try wiggling the interdental brush down into each bracket
Brush the crowns of your teeth. Turn your toothbrush perpendicular to the spaces between your teeth. Rub the brush back and forth and also use a circular motion. This helps get the hard to reach crevices that can harbor plaque and food particles.
Brush the inner side of your teeth. Move the toothbrush back and forth, up and down and then with circular motions on the inside of your top and bottom teeth. When you have braces, the inner side of your teeth are usually the easiest to brush because they are not crowded with braces.
Now brush the outside of your bottom teeth. With your teeth still together, gently brush in circular motions. Make sure you move the toothbrush across all your front teeth and back to the outsides of your molars as well. It may be easier to reach the back of your mouth if you open your mouth a little.
What can we do to make you smile?
Have you ever heard of furniture with a smile?
( The ball chair designed by Finnish furniture designer Eero Aarnio in 1963). The Ball Chair is also known as the globe chair and is famous for its unconventional shape.
Have also a look for the Smile chair Designed by Lievore, Altherr & Molina or
the Hans Wegner CH07 Smile Lounge Chair for Carl Hansen.
If you like it unique, have a look at these ladies create amazing one of a kind furniture design — big smile.
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09 448 1128 and make an appointment today.
It means that someone has a beautiful smile.
Behind every smile is something.
We would say, smiling a sweet smile, just like an angel.
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09 448 1128 and make an appointment today.
The Association of Orthodontists recommends that children should be evaluated by the time they are age 7.
However, some circumstances may require earlier intervention, such as:
– Excessive overcrowding of teeth
– Open bites: when the upper and lower front teeth fail
to meet
– Overbites: when the upper teeth protrude past the
lower teeth
– Underbites: when the lower teeth protrude past the
upper teeth
– Crossbites: when teeth in the lower jaw overlap teeth
in the upper jaw
Recommended and possible treatments:
Phase I Treatment
(intervention treatment) 6 to 10 years old.
Starts before all the permanent teeth come through.
This treatment is usually recommended to make more space for developing teeth and correct oral problems, such as overbites and crossbites.
Phase I treatment often involves limited dental hardware, such as expanders and partial braces.
Phase II Treatment
(comprehensive treatment) Age 11 to 13.
When all their permanent teeth have come through.
This treatment usually involves full braces.
Whether your child will need phase I or II treatment will depend on the position of their teeth and jaw development.
The benefits of early examinations:
Having your children examined earlier (before age 7) has numerous benefits, including:
– Oral problems can be identified earlier
– tooth extraction can be avoided since more space can
be created
-Long-term treatment can be appropriately determined
and treatment time can be shortened
Make an appointment today and find out what will be the best treatment plan for your child to become perfect Bachmannsmile.
Melanie Cowan Rademeyer We followed this process with my daughter and the results have been phenomenal! Her teeth are beautiful. She is in the last phase of her braces. I highly recommend the above from an early age as stated and then also highly recommend Bachmann Orthodontist….I would not go anywhere else!
“A smile is the universal welcome.” – Max Eastman
Smiling is a universal sign of happiness. The main reason for that is because studies have shown that when a person is smiling, it affects specific muscles that can make that person feel happy. When you use these specific muscles, your brain will release endorphins, which are brain chemicals that will induce feelings of pleasure and euphoria. Smiling does have the ability to make you happier!
There is always the right time for a Bachmannsmile.
New patients are welcome.
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09 448 1128 and make an appointment today