Energy drink


Energy Drinks Affect Your Child’s Oral Health!
All energy drinks, even the sugar-free ones, contain an incredibly low pH level, which means they are highly acidic, almost as acidic as battery acid. That softens the tooth enamel, leaving your child’s teeth highly vulnerable to decay, cavities, and even tooth rot.

Sugar: Constant exposure to sugar in energy drinks provides cavity-causing bacteria with an abundant food source. As they feast, bacteria produce acids that attack and weaken the tooth enamel’s outermost layer. That is the first stage in cavity development, which, if left untreated, can continue to progress. So don’t let your teeth get wings.
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All about Lemons

All about Lemons

Lemon juice, like many fruit juices, is acidic. The Fact is, when we drink it, it can cause enamel erosion on our teeth. Lemon juice has a pH level of 2-3 which means it is causing harm to our teeth because liquids with a pH level under four have been proven to impact our dental health negatively.

How can I drink lemon water without damaging my teeth?

It’s possible to reap the benefits of lemon water while reducing the risk of damage to your teeth. We recommend:

  • Mix the lemon juice in 250ml of warm water to help to lessen the acidity.
  • You can further reduce risk by drinking lemon water through a straw. Using a straw allows the fluid to bypass the teeth.
  • After drinking the acidic lemon water, rinse your mouth with water straight away. This removes any acid that may remain on the tooth surface and reduces the acidity of the oral saliva.
  • Chew sugar-free gum after drinking the lemon water. This helps you produce more saliva, which helps neutralise the acidity in your mouth.
  • Do not brush your teeth for at least 30 minutes after drinking the lemon water.
  • Use a soft toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste (fluoride toughens your enamel), and do not brush aggressively. Acid softens the enamel and makes it more prone to erosion during brushing.
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Energy drinks are like battery acid.

Worse than Drinking Battery Acid

Just how horrible are these drinks for you? Here is a diagram showing the acid pH levels and teaspoons of sugar found in commonly enjoyed beverages:

Drink or Substance (12 oz. serving) Acid pH Tsp. Sugar
Water 7.0 (neutral) 0
Milk 6.7 1
Barq’s Root Beer 4 11
Minute Maid® Orange Juice 3.8 9
Propel® Fitness Water 3.4 1
Red Bull® Energy Drink 3.3 10
Sprite® 3.3 10
Mountain Dew 3.3 12
Diet Coke 3.1 0
Sierra Mist 3.1 10
Full Throttle Energy Drink 3 11
Diet Pepsi 3 0
Gatorade® 2.9 5
Sunkist® Orange Soda 2.9 13
Dr. Pepper 2.9 10
Vault™ Energy Soda 2.9 12
Mountain Dew AMP 2.8 11
SoBe Energy Citrus 2.6 12
Minute Maid® Lemonade 2.6 10
Pepsi 2.5 11
Diet Schweppes Tonic Water 2.5 0
Coca-Cola 2.4 10
Battery Acid 1 0

Notice at the bottom of the list is battery acid. Battery acid of course is not a drink, and it should never be consumed. But according to the chart, your teeth could better fight off highly destructive battery acid than some of the drinks you have every day. An eye-opener, this should help you consider your beverage consumption more seriously.

Acid and Sugar: A Vicious Combo

Acid and sugar are a two punch combination for tooth decay, erosion and infection. Acid breaks down our sensitive tooth enamel and can bore into our teeth’s crevices, causing cavities. Teeth exposed by acidic erosion are an open cesspool of bacteria that can lead to infections and extraction of teeth. Sugar, most actively sucrose, develops into plaque almost instantly once in contact with your teeth. Plaque buildup is not only unbecoming, but it is where bacteria sits and festers in your mouth. Your dental health depends on avoiding drinking acidic and sugary drinks.

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Warning: Energy Drinks Affect

Warning: Energy Drinks Affect Your Child’s Oral Health!

All energy drinks, even the sugar-free ones, contain an incredibly low pH level, which means they are highly acidic, almost as acidic as battery acid. That softens the tooth enamel, leaving your child’s teeth highly vulnerable to decay, cavities, and even tooth rot. 

Sugar: Constant exposure to sugar in energy drinks provides cavity-causing bacteria with an abundant food source. As a result, they feast, bacteria produce acids that attack and weaken the tooth enamel’s outermost layer. That is the first stage in cavity development, which, if left untreated, can continue to progress.

Don’t let your teeth get wings.

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