Send us your photos

If you have an emergency with your braces, please send us an email. You can attach photos of your teeth and any questions you have. Please send an email to or call 09 448 1128 to discuss the next steps.

Please wear your orthodontic devices like aligners in these photos as well.

We will get in touch with you to discuss your case as soon as possible.

Bachmann Orthodontics is following the Dental Council of New Zealand Level protocols.

That means at Alert Levels 3 and 4, Bachmann Orthodontics will not be able to see any patients. It will change at Covid 19 Alert Level 2.

However, if you’re having problems with your braces during our temporary closure, please call us on 09 448 1128 or send us an email:, and we will be able to advise you on the most appropriate action.

Furthermore, have a look at our website under the “emergency” button.

You will find some helpful video tutorials to solve most of your emergency problems. 

What can we do to make you smile?


Please be patient; we will work hard to make sure you get that beautiful smile.


#oral #oralhealt #teeth #brushing #tooth #toothbrush #oralhealthcare #teethcleaning #smile #Bachmannorthodontics #Bachmannsmile #propperbrushing #tips #brushyourteeth #plaque #videotutorial #brushingtechniques #emergency #cavities #bacteria #braces #sensitiveteeth #covid19 #Covidlevel4 #level4



7 Steps to a Successful Orthodontic Treatment



Ensure a successful orthodontic treatment by following these instructions from your Auckland orthodontists Drs Lutz and Claudia Bachmann.


Clean your Teeth and Braces

Keeping your teeth clean when wearing braces is very important. We recommend using the following tools for cleaning:

  • Toothbrushes
  • Fluoride toothpaste
  • Fluoride rinse
  • Dental floss
  • Interproximal brush – Interproximal brushes are tiny disposable brushes that are small enough to slip under the archwire of your braces and help remove plaque and food particles.


Follow Instructions

Follow the instructions your Auckland orthodontist has given you on wearing the rubber bands, retainers or any other fixed or removable orthodontic appliances.

Schedule Regular Appointments

Your appointments are a part of the plan your orthodontist has designed to take you through the different stages of your orthodontic treatment. Make sure you attend each scheduled appointment as it’s an important part of your treatment.

Wear a Mouthguard

Protect not only your teeth but also your braces and orthodontic appliances by always wearing a mouthguard when playing a sport.


Avoid Foods that are Bad for Your Braces

Make sure to stay away from hard, sticky and crunchy foods while you are wearing braces. Slice raw vegetables and fruits into bite-sized pieces to eat.

Inform your Orthodontist About Loose or Broken Appliances

If your orthodontic appliance is loose or broken call and schedule an appointment with our Auckland orthodontic office as soon as possible. It’s best not to wait until your next appointment. Bring any broken pieces of the appliance with you.

Following these steps and visiting your Auckland orthodontist office regularly will result in a beautiful and healthy smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or visit our website for more information.

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Association of Orthodontics

Bachmann Orthodontics is happy to announce that the NZAO ( Association of Orthodontics) selected our practice to review Orthodontic Auxiliary candidates. Eight candidates from all over New Zealand (Christchurch, Wellington, Rotorua, Auckland), including two from our practice, successfully passed their exam after 2 days of review.

We are proud that we have seven highly qualified Orthodontic Auxiliary and one Orthodontic Auxiliary Trainees in our Team.

That guarantees you the highest state-of-the-art Bachmann Orthodontics smile quality.
It goes without saying that we can give a Bachmannsmile Guarantee of our orthodontic work.


What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice and make an appointment today.

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today
Our friendly and highly professional orthodontics team is happy to work for you.

Oral Piercings and Braces

Oral piercings and braces are not a good combination. Drs. Lutz and Claudia Bachmann share with their patients the threats oral piercings pose when it comes to oral health and orthodontic appliances.

So, you love your oral piercings. But how do you feel about chipped teeth, receding gum lines and adding months to your orthodontic treatment?

“I love that my patients have all developed their own unique ways of expressing their individuality,” says Lutz Bachmann, a family orthodontist who provides orthodontics for adults and children. “However, I’m not a fan of oral piercings because of the havoc they’re known to wreak on teeth, appliances and health.”

Since the health of our patients and their mouths are what is most important to us, let’s start with the reasons why oral piercings aren’t synonymous with a healthy mouth.

1.)    Infection

Everyone likes to think they have a clean mouth, however, on average “800 to 1,000 different bacteria may call your mouth ‘home,’” says Dr De Vizio of Colgate.

When you get an oral piercing, the open wound gives these bacteria a direct route to your bloodstream.  And playing with and changing the jewellery only introduces more strains into the mouth. A piercing also leaves one more nook for food to get trapped in, providing additional food and breeding ground for bacteria; bed and breakfast for bacteria, if you will.

2.)    Nerve Damage

There are many nerves and blood vessels in the tongue and several ways they can be damaged by piercings. First, if the piercer accidentally hits a nerve or wrong blood vessel, there is a chance you will suffer from numbness or excessive bleeding. Second, if your jewellery gets hung in your braces or anything else, there is always the possibility that it could be ripped from your mouth and result in scarring or nerve damage as well.

3.)    Gum Disease

A large number of people with oral piercings experience gum erosion, which if not stabilized can lead to tooth loss and even death.

“Patients often have an overwhelming urge to play with oral jewellery, but even if they don’t, the gums still incur constant trauma from contact with the lip or tongue ring,” says Dr Claudia Bachmann. “Over time the jewellery wears the gums away, exposing the tooth’s root.”

Once the gums recede, they do not grow back, and the exposed roots make patients prone to gum disease and tooth loss.

“I’ve seen gum recession in patients who have had their piercing for as little as six weeks,” says Dr Lutz. “It happens fast and is especially difficult to spot in cases of tongue piercings since the damage is often isolated to the area behind the teeth. Patients should remove their jewellery at the first sign of erosion and seek treatment which often involves a skin graft if decay or infection hasn’t already occurred.”

4.)    Damaged Teeth

Teeth can be chipped or fractured while eating, talking and even sleeping when there is an oral piercing involved.

“The most common problem we see is patients wanting to chew on their metal barbells or run them across the backs of their teeth like they’re playing a xylophone,” says Dr Claudia. “This constant contact is disastrous for teeth and if a patient falls or their head is jarred while they are chewing on their jewellery it often results in chipping.”

Even the constant drip of water can carve a hole in a stone. So you can only imagine what metal does to a tooth when it is constantly rubbed against it. Enamel does not regenerate itself so when it’s gone patients experience extreme sensitivity, discomfort and possible need for extraction.

 Many pierced patients request Invisalign under the impression that it will protect their teeth from damage. While Invisalign does cover the surface of each tooth, it’s a common misconception that it makes having oral piercings safe. It does nothing to protect the gums from the constant contact and pressure that erodes them permanently, which is the most problematic type of damage caused by piercings.

5.)    Longer Orthodontic Treatment

It’s great if you enjoy wearing braces, but the fact of the matter is that most patients don’t, which is just one more reason why we don’t approve of oral piercings during orthodontic treatment.

While being treated with orthodontics even things as hard as an apple have the potential to dislodge brackets and bend archwires. When the jewellery in your mouth gets hooked to your braces, it can happen so fast that before you know it, you’ve either broken your braces or your jewellery has torn from your tongue or lip, which as you can imagine, is not a pretty sight. Damaged braces or a massive amount of oral trauma has the potential to add months to your orthodontic treatment.

What If You Can’t Give Them Up?

“At Bachmann Orthodontics we are extremely against oral piercings and will not treat a patient unless they agree to remove their oral piercing(s),” says Dr Lutz. “We hope our stand against piercings speaks volumes to their dangers and causes those with piercings or considering them to think twice before subjecting their smile to irreversible damage. You only get one set of adult teeth; we want them to last.”


Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

An excellent performance deserves a perfect smile.

As one of the proud sponsors, we are happy to announce that the “Program” and “Detailed Schedule” for the NDC ( National Dance Challenge 2021 / 11 June -13 June at Kristin school is online. Please look at their website for the complete program of all three days and more details. @nationaldancechallengenz

We hope to see us there to celebrate all the excellent performers. 

Auditorium 11 – 13 June 2021 


What can we do to make you smile?

>>Call Candice and make an appointment today.

>>‭09 448 1128‬

Why is there a © after Bachmannsmile©.

We from Bachmann Orthodontics are responsible for your unique smile.
Our motivation is always to achieve the best result for your individual case.
We are working hard and precise and with state-of-the-art technologies for perfection and your satisfaction. That is why we can give a guarantee for the result — the Bachmannsmile©. Is a quality mark, and you can only get the original at Bachmann Orthodontics.
By the way, it means ©laudia as well. Sorry, Lutz.
Not to forget ©andice. Feel free to call Candice: 09448 1128, and make an appointment to get your perfect Bachmannsmile©.
What can we do to make you smile?


We care about our Kiwis and take infection control very seriously.

We are taking additional precautions to protect your patients from COVID-19.
Our team is thoroughly trained in infection control. Our standard protocol is to disinfect each treatment room between every patient and thoroughly sterilise instruments.
And, of course, we use gloves, masks, and other protective gear all day long. We have a huge waiting area to keep the distance to each other.
We closed our Kids Playzone Area and have also removed books and magazines for now.
As an added measure of protection, we are wiping down waiting rooms on an hourly basis.
We continue to follow the situation closely and are abiding by all recommendations made by the Ministry of Health and the Dental Council.
Your safety is our top priority.
We have installed a Patient pre-screening before arrival at the practice for all appointments by phone:

1. Are you or anyone coming with you to your appointment feeling unwell?

2. Have you, anyone coming with you to your appointment or anyone in your household returned from overseas in the past 14 days?

3. Have you been in contact with a person with confirmed or suspicion of exposure to COVID-19 in the last 14-days

If the answer is YES to any of these questions, then any non-urgent treatment should be rescheduled until the person is well and/or the isolation period is completed. If the answer is ‘no’, then a routine
appointment may proceed

A. We ask that when you arrive for your appointment, you use the hand sanitiser that is available in the waiting room.
B. We ask that only the patient being treated attends the clinic. If the patient is under 16, one parent/guardian is allowed to accompany the patient. At this time, we ask siblings, friends and other family members to remain outside or to wait in your car.
C. If you are feeling unwell, have a cough, fever or other cold/flu symptoms, we ask that you reschedule your appointment.
What can we do to make you smile?

Message in a bottle.

A message in a bottle thrown into a river in Germany has travelled more than 18,000km around the world and ended up in Auckland seven years later.    What a trip.
“It has travelled a long way!” said the letter, signed by Scott, Lea and Alice Joy from Auckland.
Sadly for Julia Gogos, a resident of the German city of Bonn, the letter did not supply any contacts. The letter, dated February 7, was signed off by Scott, Julia, Lea and Alice Joy.
Now they try to find the Joy family from Auckland via Facebook.
If you know the Joy family do not hesitate to contact us.
By the way, seven years is also the age we recommend that kids have their first orthodontic screening.
By this time the first permanent teeth will have come through.
So we will have a pretty good idea if an orthodontic treatment needs to be started. However, we offer a free, regular oral development monitoring program for your child.
What can we do to make you smile?


Are you in Xmas mood?
Only a few days to go until the 24th.
We wish all our patients Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year 2020,
Claudia, Lutz and the Bachmann Orthodontics Team.

Our practice will be closed from Friday the 20th of December and will reopen on Monday the 20th of January.
Urgent advice, please text or call
Dr Bachmann on 021 029 045 39.
What can we do to make you smile?

Spring has sprung!

Spring is in the air, can you sniff it. The warm season has officially started on Sunday 01/09. We are going out, having fun and smile a lot. 

So much positive energy everywhere. It looks like your best spring ever.

It’s going to be heaps of fun. Smile! 🙂 

If you want to discuss what we can do for your energetic smile, call Candice for an appointment 094481128. What can we do to make you smile? 

JUMP ! There’s no way too far for a perfect Bachmannsmile.

For some of our clients, we are not just around the corner, but they are happy to come to us from far away like South Auckland, Warkworth, Keri Keri, Coromandel, Dunedin, Wellington and Christchurch.
But the winners of the longest distance to visit us are our patients from Sydney and Melbourne in Australia.
They consult us to check their invisible Incognito braces.
We are happy that clients are so satisfied that they stick
with us even when they move to another town or country.
Check out our state of the art service. We are just around the corner.
Call Candice 094481128 and make an appointment today.
What can we do to make you smile?


A smile is the best timeless fashion item you can wear.
Have you ever asked yourself why all these models do not smile?
Maybe the designers are afraid that the audience does not look at the Haute-Couture clothes anymore and are distracted by the fashion item No.1 “The Smile”.

By the way, The Auckland Fashion Week starts at 26. Aug. to 1. Sep.
If you are there, always show your best accessory, your smile.
You are welcome to call Candice 09448 1128 for an appointment in your Smile-Boutique to have a consultation with our smile designers Claudia and Lutz to get your new customized bachmannsmile for the next session.
What can we do to make you smile?

Orthodontic Treatment: 9 Benefits of Straight Teeth

Whether you’re born with straight teeth or paid for a teeth straightening orthodontic treatment such as braces, Invisalign or retainers, straight teeth have a lot of benefits.

Better brushing

Overlapping teeth can trap food particles. Straight teeth allow for easier brushing and flossing. Your teeth will be cleaner and your smile more dazzling.

Clear speech

Did you know that crooked teeth cause many speech impediments? Straight teeth allow clear speech.

Easier eating

Crooked, crowded teeth compromise chewing which may cause digestive problems. This is another reason why orthodontists advise having your teeth straightened.

Less accident-prone teeth

Protruding teeth are more prone to breaking, especially for those who play sports as protective mouth guards may not fit properly.

Fewer headaches

Crowded teeth wear unevenly which puts pressure on a person’s jaw,  often resulting in chronic headaches.

Improved gum health

Gum disease can be very painful as well expensive to treat. People with straight teeth have healthier gums than those with crooked teeth.

Better overall health

Did you know that tooth decay and gum disease are linked to heart disease and high blood sugar? Drs. Lutz and Claudia Bachmann advise getting your teeth straightened to improve your oral hygiene and reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Lower risk of soft tissue injury

Crooked teeth can push against soft tissues in your mouth resulting in cuts, sores and infections. Straight teeth eliminate that risk.

A beautiful smile

One of the biggest benefits of having straight teeth is that it boosts your confidence and makes your smile more beautiful.

Getting your teeth straightened isn’t as daunting as it sounds especially with orthodontic treatments such as invisible braces or Invisalign. These treatments allow you to have your teeth straightened without anyone knowing you’re wearing braces.

Call us to schedule a consultation with North Shore orthodontists, Drs. Lutz and Claudia Bachmann, to discuss what kind of braces will create your beautiful smile.

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Custom Fitted Mouthguards

Bachmann Orthodontists in Auckland is offering an Easter special:

Custom fitted mouthguards now only $48.50
(regular price $230). Limited time only until 10th May 2019

Why do you need a custom fitted mouthguard from Bachmann Orthodontics?

Playing contact sports without a mouth guard has been likened to rally driving without a seat belt! A simple injury can leave you with a gap in your smile. A mouthguard is a protective device that prevents injury to the teeth, lips and gums.

But not all mouthguards are created equal, and a store bought mouthguard will never give you the protection of a custom designed mouthguard.

Why is a custom mouth guard necessary?

Store bought mouthguards don’t encase the teeth or cover the back molars. They tend not to fit very well, lose their shape, fall out in the middle of activity, and often have to be replaced. They can also make breathing and talking difficult, and feel bulky in the mouth.

A properly fitted mouthguard is especially important for people who wear braces or have fixed bridge work. A blow to the face could damage the brackets or other fixed orthodontic equipment. A mouthguard also provides a barrier between the braces and your cheek or lips, limiting the risk of soft tissue injuries.

Bachmann Orthodontics in Auckland create the perfect fitting mouthguard that allows for speaking and doesn’t limit breathing. Our custom made mouthguards will stay firmly in place during action and help protect your teeth from injury.

If you or your child play contact sport, make a custom fitted mouthguard part of your team uniform.

Call Us Today!

Enquire about Custom Fitted Mouthguards > Book a consultation today

Got help from a specialist?

Got help from a specialist?

When it comes to your personal health, you want to make sure that you’ll get the best professional help.
When it comes to achieving the perfect smile, you want to make sure you’re in good hands. What is the difference between a dentist with special interests and a specialist orthodontist? While dentists and orthodontists have a lot in common, specialisation is what sets an orthodontist apart.
What is an orthodontist?
Think of it like the difference between your family GP and a specialist physician such as a cardiologist or a paediatrician. Your family’s general dentist will be able to help you to improve your overall oral health, but a specialist orthodontist is the only properly qualified person to diagnose, prevent and treat dental or facial irregularities, and correctly align your teeth, bite and jaws.
As well as completing a five-year degree in dentistry, an orthodontist also undergoes a further 5,000 hours of specialist training in the field of orthodontics. Whether you or your child are being treated with braces or clear aligners such as Invisalign®, you need to be sure you’re being treated by an orthodontist to get the best results.
That is why we can guarantee the result of our work.
Your beautiful customised Bachmannsmile.
Have you seen a non -specialist and would like a second opinion from a registered orthodontic specialist.
Feel free to make an appointment today 09 448 1128
What can we do to make you smile?

Straight Talk About Incognito Braces

Many people think that braces are just for teens; however a growing number of adults are deciding to brace themselves and go straight.

Dr Claudia Bachmann MDS, PhD is an orthodontist who, together with husband Dr Lutz Bachmann MDS PhD, head up Bachmann Orthodontics. This busy Auckland orthodontic practice in Albany on the North Shore state-of-the-art and offers the best of orthodontic technology and equipment available.

Dr Lutz and Dr Claudia are also the parents of three pre-teens and know first-hand the importance of straight teeth and good oral health – and they’re both passionate about creating beautiful, healthy smiles for people of all ages.

“Orthodontic treatment in later life can dramatically improve a person’s appearance ann self-esteem, and equally importantly, improve the health of their teeth and gums.”

Aesthetically, braces have come a long wayIncognito Braces and Bachmann Orthodontics is one of Auckland’s leading providers of the popular Incognito braces (lingual braces), a new orthodontic treatment where the braces are bonded to the inside of the teeth. In most cases adults can expect to wear Incognito braces for an average of 12 to 20 months.


So how much will adult braces cost?

Says Dr Claudia,

“This varies depending on individual requirements. We need to assess each client before we can decide on the course of treatment. The good news is that we offer flexible payment and finance options.”

Bachmann Orthodontics understands the value of a great smile.

“It’s very rewarding to see how straight healthy teeth can boost a patient’s confidence, self-esteem and attitude. A beautiful smile is a major asset and your most important accessory!” says Dr Claudia with a smile.

Article courtesy of Auckland Eye Magazine

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Protect Your Teeth in 5 Easy Steps

It’s critical to protect your teeth during contact sports.

And it’s so easy – follow these steps and your smile will be safe.

  1. Come and meet one of our friendly orthodontic auxiliaries
  2. She will take an impression of your teeth
  3. The impression then goes to our lab where our technician will make the model
  4. When the mouthguard is ready, return to Bachmann Orthodontics to check that it fits perfectly.
  5. Make your custom fitted mouthguard an essential part of your sports gear

Contact Bachmann Orthodontists today to take an impression of your teeth, or for a consultation to discuss your needs.

Protect your teeth in 5 easy steps

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

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