fight tooth and nail

Did you know?

That fight tooth and nail means. (to try very hard to get something you want)

However, at Bachmann Orthodontics, we help children, teenagers, and adults achieve their dream smiles.

Our North Shore Orthodontic practice offers expertise and precision in a friendly, relaxing environment. Our priority is to provide excellent, affordable and convenient orthodontic treatment.

At Bachmann Orthodontics, we offer:

Advanced diagnostics

World-class treatment and oral health education

A wide range of orthodontic options

The highest standard of sterilisation

Direct digital oral x-ray imaging

A professional team of orthodontists and orthodontic auxiliaries is dedicated to creating a positive experience.

A fun, welcoming practice conveniently located in Albany on Auckland’s North Shore.

Flexible payment plans and finance options for your orthodontic treatments

If your braces were fitted offshore and you now require ongoing treatment in New Zealand, come and see us for an initial orthodontic consultation.

Your smile is important to us, and we work with any braces to ensure you get the desired outcome.

A World-Class Experience

What can we do to make you smile?

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Did you know?

It is essential to wear your plastic retainer after your braces come off.
Why do I have to wear a retainer after successful orthodontic treatment?
Retainers are designed to hold teeth in place after your braces are removed. They are usually made of wire, plastic or a combination of both.
Braces straighten teeth by applying pressure. Like a tree bending in the breeze, they usually want to return to their original position once the pressure is gone — especially with young patients who are still growing. Retainers increase muscle memory and keep teeth in place.
Retainers ensure that the results, where so much effort has been involved, are maintained over time.
Once your braces are removed, please wear a retainer to keep your beautiful Bachmannsmile.

What can we do to make you smile?

#bachmannorthodontics #bachmannsmile

Smile News 8-Charcoal Toothpaste

Charcoal Toothpaste doesn’t make the teeth black or white.
Social media is full of advertisements and endorsements for charcoal toothpaste: the latest tooth-whitening miracle product! You can barely open Instagram or read a Buzzfeed list without seeing someone recommend the wonders of charcoal for your face and teeth. Some even use it as a rinse for your hair!
The American Dental Association has not found any evidence that charcoal toothpaste is safe or effective, and it may actually harm the teeth and gums. Charcoal toothpaste is advertised as a whitening agent that can remove particles from the teeth, but this is a misleading claim.

What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice and make an appointment at 09 448 1128
#bachmannorthodontics #bachmannsmile

Cavities are caused by a germ.

A germ causes cavities. It can be spread while kissing & sharing food. Tooth actually decay results when bacteria in your mouth feed on food debris (starchy, sticky foods are a primary culprit) and produce acid as a byproduct. This mix of food, acid, saliva, and germs clings to your teeth as a filmy substance called plaque.

Plaque can erode teeth enamel and cause cavities to form. No matter what you eat, cavities won’t develop without the help of such bacteria. These germs can spread from mouth to mouth via shared food and utensils, sneezing, kissing, …

What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice and make an appointment 09 448 1128
#bachmannorthodontics #bachmannsmile

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