MENE (smile)
Kia Ora.
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.
Māori Language Week 12-18. September 2022
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice for an appointment
MENE (smile)
Kia Ora.
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.
Māori Language Week 12-18. September 2022
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice for an appointment
What sets our North Shore orthodontics praxis apart?
A professional team of orthodontists and orthodontic auxiliaries is dedicated to creating a positive experience.
A fun, welcoming practice conveniently located in Albany on Auckland’s North Shore.
We offer flexible payment plans and finance options for your orthodontic treatments.
At Bachmann Orthodontics, you are always in capable hands. Get a World-Class Experience and perfect Bachmannsmile
What can we do to make you smile?
What can you do to make us smile!
We’d appreciate your positive comments on the google review.
What can we do to make you smile?
Happy Easter.
We wish you a great holiday break.
However, a chocolate Easter bunny is a nice treat; however, be careful of hidden dangers.
Chocolate with fruit and nut: the nuts are too hard and may cause brackets to come off. The raisins are very sticky and will get stuck around your appliance.
Chocolate that contains caramel is very sticky and chewy and should be avoided.
Chocolate that contains nougat: Nougat gets stuck around your appliance.
Chocolate from the fridge is too hard to eat whilst wearing orthodontic appliances; ensure it is at room temperature before consuming.
However, we advise avoiding sugary foods while wearing braces. While wearing your braces, you will want to avoid extremely soft, chewy or sticky foods that contain a large amount of sugar or starch. Foods that are safe and unsafe while you are wearing your braces.
Cake and pies
Energy drinks
Extremely soft bread
Fruit juices
Heavily processed foods
Ice cream
Sports drinks
And it is essential to brush your teeth 30 minutes after every meal.
This role will keep your teeth nice and healthy throughout orthodontic treatment.
What can we do to make you smile?
It’s always the right time for a bright Bachmannsmile.
This weekend is officially the end of summer.
We are turning our clocks back an hour.
However, your bright Bachmannsmile will always bring light into the dark.
Light up your life with a great Bachmannsmile.
It is also a good reason to boost your smile with our teeth whitening options.
Do you have stained or discoloured teeth?
Many people experience teeth staining or discolouration – whether from the consumption of staining foods and drinks, certain medicines, or poor oral hygiene. Teeth whitening treatments can lift most stains and brighten up to 8 shades lighter. Our team at Bachmann Orthodontics is helping you achieve the smile you want.
Teeth whitening is one of the most requested cosmetic treatments, popular among adults of all ages. We offer in-chair whitening and custom take-home whitening kits.
Find out which teeth whitening option is best for you.
Don’t forget to turn the clock back at the weekend, enjoy one-hour more sleep, and get bright light with a smile first thing in the morning.
It’s always the right time for a Bachmannsmile. 09448 1128
What can we do to make you smile?
Orthodontics can help correct your child’s bite before their adult teeth come in. The recommended age to visit an orthodontist is the age of seven. It is the ideal age for several reasons.
First, it is beneficial to the orthodontist to see how the smile is shaping up with the mix of baby and permanent teeth.
Second, Bachmann Orthodontics can monitor the eruption pattern of permanent teeth, jaw growth and development, and spot any issues that might become more serious as the permanent teeth begin to erupt.
In some cases, if we wait until all the baby teeth have fallen out, that may be too late to create an ideal smile most effectively. But on the other hand, treating patients while still having some baby teeth can create a perfect environment into which the permanent teeth can erupt. And often, this means later treatment is more effective and efficient.
The younger your child is, the more straightforward orthodontic treatment can be. The most important reason is that both the upper and lower jaws are still growing. This is giving us the chance to guide their development to ensure we can reduce crowding and help the permanent teeth erupt correctly.
We have implemented a free, regular oral development monitoring program for your child to ensure we begin their treatment at the best time possible. In addition, we have many years of experience & training in assessing a child’s pace of oral development. Therefore, it is usually immediately evident to us what level of treatment will be required.
When we assess a child or young adult, we always consider what their teeth are likely to do between the time we first see them and when their treatment is expected to begin. As a result, we can more accurately estimate the best age for braces in their specific case. In addition, we constantly tailor our orthodontic treatment programs to each and their needs.
What can we do to make you smile?
Make an appointment today and find out what will be the best treatment plan for your child to become a perfect Bachmannsmile.
#OrthodontistsAssociation #Crossbites #Underbites #Overbites #Openbites #overcrowding #permanentteeth #braces #specialistorthodontist #bachmannorthodontics
Getting braces doesn’t hurt, but your mouth may be sensitive in the days following your appointment. Therefore, eating foods that have a tougher texture could cause pain.
Since you’ll also have to learn how to chew differently, your orthodontist will likely recommend only eating soft foods for the first few days.
Ideal foods to eat after getting braces include:
Basically, anything that’s easy to chew.
Be mindful that braces are sensitive to damage, so you’ll need to avoid certain foods for as long as you have braces.
These include sticky and hard foods that can damage the wires or bands or cause a bracket to separate from a tooth.
Foods to completely avoid with braces include:
Also, limit consumption of sugary foods and drinks while having braces. When sugar mixes with saliva, it creates a sticky film (plaque) that coats the teeth.
Brushing can remove plaque, but that becomes harder to do with braces. And if you’re unable to remove this sticky film, there’s a risk of tooth decay.
About us
Bachmann Orthodontics is a state-of-the-art specialist orthodontic clinic on the North shore. (
We treat many children, teenagers and adults, specialising in Speedbraces, Incognito and invisible aligners.
Qualifications & experience
Tasks & responsibilities
Applicants must have an N.Z. work visa and provide a current C.V., including an academic record and references with contact details.
Apply via Seek or email Candice:
What can we do to make you smile?
Pets like dogs and cats love retainers and aligners.
Dogs are attracted by the smell of the materials from which retainers & aligners are made, as well as saliva. With their powerful jaws, dogs can render them useless in no time. Likewise, cats will play with a retainer and can also damage them.
Be Careful with Retainers
There are two places for removable aligners and retainers: in the mouth or in their case. When taken out of the mouth, they should be placed in their case. When taken out of their case, the retainers or aligners should be placed in the mouth.
Do not wrap it in a napkin – they can easily be thrown away with the trash. Please, do not place retainers or aligners in your pocket unless they are in their protective case. Without the case, retainers that are loose in your pocket can be broken.
Contact your orthodontist immediately if they are lost or broken, however, if it does not fit correctly or if eaten by your dog. Remember – you need to wear your retainers or aligner, not your dog.
What can we do to make you smile?
Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today
Smiling more often can help with self-confidence and improve health. The chemicals that are released when a person smiles help fight symptoms of depression and fatigue. Smiling is also known to be contagious. So it can help feel better and help someone else feel better too when a smile is shared. Smiling more often can make a whole place feel good!
However, it is always good to smile.
Do not hesitate to call Candice 09 448 1128 and book your Bachmannsmile consultation today.
What can we do to make you smile?
#bachmannorthodontics #bachmannsmile #orthodontics #smile #orthodontist #braces #invisalign #incognitobraces #invisiblebraces #clearaligners #treatmentplanning #nzig #nzlife #auckland #aucklandlife #aucklanddentist #specialist #docsofinsta #kohi #northshore #albany #takapuna #orewa #longbay
We are happy to announce that we are “Open for all smiles” now.
If you didn’t receive a message from us regarding your regular check-up appointment, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to book you in.
We are also able to see new patients for an initial consultation.
New patients welcome!
Call Candice 09 448 1128 and book your consultation today.
Spread the word, not the virus.
What can we do to make you smile?
#bachmannorthodontics #bachmannsmile
Just do it.
It’s so easy.
Floss every day
It is impossible to reach the tight spaces between your teeth and under the gumline with a toothbrush. That’s why Bachmann Orthodontics emphasise the importance of flossing every day, especially when you have braces or fixed retainers. We also advise that the best time to floss your teeth is before bedtime.
Are you worried about your oral health? Want to learn more on how to keep your smile beautiful?
Call our Auckland Orthodontic office to schedule your first consultation.
Book a consultation today at 094481128
What can we do to make you smile?
Congrats to our New Zealand Rowing Teams and a big, big, big smile.
Kerri Gowler and Grace Prendergast, rowing, coxless pair
Emma Twigg, rowing, single sculls
Hamish Bond, Michael Brake, Shaun Kirkham, Matt Macdonald, Tom Mackintosh, Tom Murray, Dan Williamson, Phillip Wilson and Sam Bosworth (cox), rowing, men’s eight
and a big smile to the whole Olympic team.
>Golden times for the New Zealand Olympic team in Tokyo.
>Golden times at Bachmann orthodontics.
>Golden times for our patients.
Did you know that our Incognito braces have golden brackets?
Incognito braces are a bracket and wire system that is placed behind the teeth. Manufactured by 3M Germany, Incognito braces are at the cutting edge of invisible brace technology. We’ve talked a lot about Incognito braces on our site because they are such a popular teeth alignment option, especially for our adult patients. Bachmann Orthodontics have trained, certified and specialised in Incognito braces for several years. This is because they believe they have no equal in hidden brace technology. Incognito brace brackets AND wires are custom made for each individual patient, ensuring a perfect fit.
We also offer a lot of other options for your customised Bachmann smile, like, Speed braces, Damon Clear Ceramic Braces or Invisible aligners.
Call Candice 094481128 and make an appointment today to discuss the best option for you or your child.
By the way, we have flexible interest free payment options.
What can we do to make you smile?
Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today
When the Black Ferns Sevens won in Tokyo on Saturday night, it marked the 50th time New Zealand had won gold at the Olympic Games, a feat that took 101 years to reach.
Congratulations and a big, big smile to:
Portia Woodman, Sarah Hirini, Ruby Tui, Tyla Nathan-Wong, Theresa Fitzpatrick, Stacey Fluhler, Michaela Blyde, Alena Saili, Risaleaana Pouri-Lane, Kelly Brazier, Gayle Broughton, Shiray Kaka, women’s rugby sevens
> And of course a big smile to all other winners and the whole Olympic team.
We love beautiful smiles.
Protect your teeth during contact sports. Always wear a mouthguard. It will protect your teeth/lips and prevent you from biting yourself during strenuous sports like rugby, football, basketball, hockey or boxing …!
Get your custom-fitted mouthguard and make it part of your team sports gear.
Your braces won’t stop you from playing sports, but you’ll need to take some extra precautions during these activities.
Always wear a mouthguard. It is a rule you should follow, even if you don’t have braces, because it will protect your teeth.
Braces are made to fit comfortably in your mouth, but if you get hit with a ball or the shoulder of a teammate, they can do some serious damage, so the mouth guard is vital whenever you head out to play.
If your school is interested in participating in our mouthguard sponsorship program, please send us an email and discuss what we can do for you.
If you or a loved one needs help with your smile, do not hesitate and make an appointment today at 09448 1128.
What can we do to make you smile?
Ensure a successful orthodontic treatment by following these instructions from your Auckland orthodontists Drs Lutz and Claudia Bachmann.
Keeping your teeth clean when wearing braces is very important. We recommend using the following tools for cleaning:
Follow the instructions your Auckland orthodontist has given you on wearing the rubber bands, retainers or any other fixed or removable orthodontic appliances.
Your appointments are a part of the plan your orthodontist has designed to take you through the different stages of your orthodontic treatment. Make sure you attend each scheduled appointment as it’s an important part of your treatment.
Protect not only your teeth but also your braces and orthodontic appliances by always wearing a mouthguard when playing a sport.
Make sure to stay away from hard, sticky and crunchy foods while you are wearing braces. Slice raw vegetables and fruits into bite-sized pieces to eat.
If your orthodontic appliance is loose or broken call and schedule an appointment with our Auckland orthodontic office as soon as possible. It’s best not to wait until your next appointment. Bring any broken pieces of the appliance with you.
Following these steps and visiting your Auckland orthodontist office regularly will result in a beautiful and healthy smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or visit our website for more information.
Some things look good from the first sight, but what is if you dig deeper, and have a look under the surface.
Can the job still be done correctly?
Is the functionality given?
Does it last forever?
It will be best if a specialist does the job.
Especially when it comes to your personal or your loved one’s oral healthcare, you want to make sure that you’ll get the best professional help in achieving the perfect smile. How can I make sure that I am in good hands? First of all, go to a specialist orthodontist and NOT to someone who has a special interest in orthodontics. But what is the difference between a dentist with special interests and a specialist orthodontist?
While dentists and orthodontists have a lot in common, specialisation is what sets an orthodontist apart.
What is an orthodontist?
Think of it as the difference between a painter and an artist. Your family’s general dentist will be able to help you to improve your overall oral health. A specialist orthodontist is the only professionally qualified person to diagnose, prevent and treat dental or facial irregularities, and correctly align your teeth, bite and jaws.
As well as completing a five-year degree in dentistry, an orthodontist also undergoes a further 5,000 hours of specialist training in the field of orthodontics. Whether you or your child has treatment with braces or clear aligners such as Invisalign®, you need to be sure you’re being treated by an orthodontist to get the best results.
That is why we can guarantee the result of our work.
Your beautiful customised Bachmannsmile.
Have you seen a non -specialist and would like a second opinion from a registered orthodontic specialist.
Feel free to make an appointment today 09 448 1128
What can we do to make you smile?
Have you ever heard of furniture with a smile?
( The ball chair designed by Finnish furniture designer Eero Aarnio in 1963). The Ball Chair is also known as the globe chair and is famous for its unconventional shape.
Have also a look for the Smile chair Designed by Lievore, Altherr & Molina or
the Hans Wegner CH07 Smile Lounge Chair for Carl Hansen.
If you like it unique, have a look at these ladies create amazing one of a kind furniture design — big smile.
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09 448 1128 and make an appointment today.
It means that someone has a beautiful smile.
Behind every smile is something.
We would say, smiling a sweet smile, just like an angel.
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09 448 1128 and make an appointment today.
Our new state-of-the-art 3D-printers are in place.
We invest a lot in future technologies to be always ahead and on the pulse with the 4th industrial revolution.
Together with our intraoral scanner, we are able to make impressions more accurate, faster and convenient than ever before. All data is safely stored. Retainers and impressions can be replicated on our new 3D-Printers without making a new model.
No more gagging! It’s without saying, an ongoing process for us to provide always the best treatment for your best smile. That is why we can give you our Bachmannsmile guarantee.
Lutz also had a play and created some little sculptures with the printer.
That’s awesome, isn’t it?
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09 448 1128 and book an appointment to the future of orthodontics.
The Association of Orthodontists recommends that children should be evaluated by the time they are age 7.
However, some circumstances may require earlier intervention, such as:
– Excessive overcrowding of teeth
– Open bites: when the upper and lower front teeth fail
to meet
– Overbites: when the upper teeth protrude past the
lower teeth
– Underbites: when the lower teeth protrude past the
upper teeth
– Crossbites: when teeth in the lower jaw overlap teeth
in the upper jaw
Recommended and possible treatments:
Phase I Treatment
(intervention treatment) 6 to 10 years old.
Starts before all the permanent teeth come through.
This treatment is usually recommended to make more space for developing teeth and correct oral problems, such as overbites and crossbites.
Phase I treatment often involves limited dental hardware, such as expanders and partial braces.
Phase II Treatment
(comprehensive treatment) Age 11 to 13.
When all their permanent teeth have come through.
This treatment usually involves full braces.
Whether your child will need phase I or II treatment will depend on the position of their teeth and jaw development.
The benefits of early examinations:
Having your children examined earlier (before age 7) has numerous benefits, including:
– Oral problems can be identified earlier
– tooth extraction can be avoided since more space can
be created
-Long-term treatment can be appropriately determined
and treatment time can be shortened
Make an appointment today and find out what will be the best treatment plan for your child to become perfect Bachmannsmile.
Melanie Cowan Rademeyer We followed this process with my daughter and the results have been phenomenal! Her teeth are beautiful. She is in the last phase of her braces. I highly recommend the above from an early age as stated and then also highly recommend Bachmann Orthodontist….I would not go anywhere else!
We from Bachmann Orthodontics are responsible for your unique smile.
Our motivation is always to achieve the best result for your individual case.
We are working hard and precise and with state-of-the-art technologies for perfection and your satisfaction. That is why we can give a guarantee for the result — the Bachmannsmile©. Is a quality mark, and you can only get the original at Bachmann Orthodontics.
By the way, it means ©laudia as well. Sorry, Lutz.
Not to forget ©andice. Feel free to call Candice: 09448 1128, and make an appointment to get your perfect Bachmannsmile©.
What can we do to make you smile?
Whether you’re born with straight teeth or paid for a teeth straightening orthodontic treatment such as braces, Invisalign or retainers, straight teeth have a lot of benefits.
Overlapping teeth can trap food particles. Straight teeth allow for easier brushing and flossing. Your teeth will be cleaner and your smile more dazzling.
Did you know that crooked teeth cause many speech impediments? Straight teeth allow clear speech.
Crooked, crowded teeth compromise chewing which may cause digestive problems. This is another reason why orthodontists advise having your teeth straightened.
Protruding teeth are more prone to breaking, especially for those who play sports as protective mouth guards may not fit properly.
Crowded teeth wear unevenly which puts pressure on a person’s jaw, often resulting in chronic headaches.
Gum disease can be very painful as well expensive to treat. People with straight teeth have healthier gums than those with crooked teeth.
Did you know that tooth decay and gum disease are linked to heart disease and high blood sugar? Drs. Lutz and Claudia Bachmann advise getting your teeth straightened to improve your oral hygiene and reduce the risk of tooth decay.
Crooked teeth can push against soft tissues in your mouth resulting in cuts, sores and infections. Straight teeth eliminate that risk.
One of the biggest benefits of having straight teeth is that it boosts your confidence and makes your smile more beautiful.
Getting your teeth straightened isn’t as daunting as it sounds especially with orthodontic treatments such as invisible braces or Invisalign. These treatments allow you to have your teeth straightened without anyone knowing you’re wearing braces.
Call us to schedule a consultation with North Shore orthodontists, Drs. Lutz and Claudia Bachmann, to discuss what kind of braces will create your beautiful smile.
Custom fitted mouthguards now only $48.50
(regular price $230). Limited time only until 10th May 2019
Playing contact sports without a mouth guard has been likened to rally driving without a seat belt! A simple injury can leave you with a gap in your smile. A mouthguard is a protective device that prevents injury to the teeth, lips and gums.
But not all mouthguards are created equal, and a store bought mouthguard will never give you the protection of a custom designed mouthguard.
Store bought mouthguards don’t encase the teeth or cover the back molars. They tend not to fit very well, lose their shape, fall out in the middle of activity, and often have to be replaced. They can also make breathing and talking difficult, and feel bulky in the mouth.
A properly fitted mouthguard is especially important for people who wear braces or have fixed bridge work. A blow to the face could damage the brackets or other fixed orthodontic equipment. A mouthguard also provides a barrier between the braces and your cheek or lips, limiting the risk of soft tissue injuries.
Bachmann Orthodontics in Auckland create the perfect fitting mouthguard that allows for speaking and doesn’t limit breathing. Our custom made mouthguards will stay firmly in place during action and help protect your teeth from injury.
Got help from a specialist?
When it comes to your personal health, you want to make sure that you’ll get the best professional help.
When it comes to achieving the perfect smile, you want to make sure you’re in good hands. What is the difference between a dentist with special interests and a specialist orthodontist? While dentists and orthodontists have a lot in common, specialisation is what sets an orthodontist apart.
What is an orthodontist?
Think of it like the difference between your family GP and a specialist physician such as a cardiologist or a paediatrician. Your family’s general dentist will be able to help you to improve your overall oral health, but a specialist orthodontist is the only properly qualified person to diagnose, prevent and treat dental or facial irregularities, and correctly align your teeth, bite and jaws.
As well as completing a five-year degree in dentistry, an orthodontist also undergoes a further 5,000 hours of specialist training in the field of orthodontics. Whether you or your child are being treated with braces or clear aligners such as Invisalign®, you need to be sure you’re being treated by an orthodontist to get the best results.
That is why we can guarantee the result of our work.
Your beautiful customised Bachmannsmile.
Have you seen a non -specialist and would like a second opinion from a registered orthodontic specialist.
Feel free to make an appointment today 09 448 1128
What can we do to make you smile?
Dr Claudia Bachmann MDS, PhD is an orthodontist who, together with husband Dr Lutz Bachmann MDS PhD, head up Bachmann Orthodontics. This busy Auckland orthodontic practice in Albany on the North Shore state-of-the-art and offers the best of orthodontic technology and equipment available.
Dr Lutz and Dr Claudia are also the parents of three pre-teens and know first-hand the importance of straight teeth and good oral health – and they’re both passionate about creating beautiful, healthy smiles for people of all ages.
“Orthodontic treatment in later life can dramatically improve a person’s appearance ann self-esteem, and equally importantly, improve the health of their teeth and gums.”
Aesthetically, braces have come a long way and Bachmann Orthodontics is one of Auckland’s leading providers of the popular Incognito braces (lingual braces), a new orthodontic treatment where the braces are bonded to the inside of the teeth. In most cases adults can expect to wear Incognito braces for an average of 12 to 20 months.
Says Dr Claudia,
“This varies depending on individual requirements. We need to assess each client before we can decide on the course of treatment. The good news is that we offer flexible payment and finance options.”
Bachmann Orthodontics understands the value of a great smile.
“It’s very rewarding to see how straight healthy teeth can boost a patient’s confidence, self-esteem and attitude. A beautiful smile is a major asset and your most important accessory!” says Dr Claudia with a smile.
Contact Bachmann Orthodontists today to take an impression of your teeth, or for a consultation to discuss your needs.