dental assistant

Bachmann Orthodontics is looking for an experienced dental assistant.

About us

Bachmann Orthodontics is a state-of-the-art specialist orthodontic clinic on the North shore. (

We treat many children, teenagers and adults, specialising in Speedbraces, Incognito and invisible aligners.

Qualifications & experience

  • Dental experience required, DA certificate would be appreciated, orthodontic auxiliaries welcome. We are a great working team and looking for a long term commitment. Health ministry requirements apply.

Tasks & responsibilities

  • All dental assistant duties, like chair assistance, X- rays, records and lab duties.


  • We are a great team of orthodontic auxiliaries and D.A.s and enjoy working together Monday to Thursday, 7:45 am to 5:45 pm.

Applicants must have an N.Z. work visa and provide a current C.V., including an academic record and references with contact details. 

Apply via Seek or email Candice:

What can we do to make you smile?


Smiling elevates your mood

Forcing yourself to smile when you’re sad will actually elevate your mood.

Thanks to endorphins from smiling, faking it till you make it actually works!

For your smile of happiness, we offer a variety of options: traditional metal braces and clear ceramic braces, hidden incognito braces, and clear aligners. 

In contrast to the past appliances, today’s braces are smaller, lighter, and more comfortable to wear. Find out which option is best for your lifestyle.

Clear or metal, hidden or invisible, there are many options. We will figure out what is the best for you to get the best result. A perfect Bachmannsmile.

Make an appointment today to get your individual customised Bachmannsmile! 094481128

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Smile the secret of iconic brands

What is the secret of world-famous iconic brands?

A sympathetic smile.

We believe that a smile can change the world. 

We aim to create the best functional and aesthetically pleasing smile. 

Why do people trust brands like us? Because we are highly skilled specialists in our profession. Always work with the state of the art technologies. Make a transparent treatment plan — no hidden costs. 

We can guarantee the result with our Bachmann-Smile-Guarantee.

Contact us today for an appointment at 094481128

What can we do to make you smile?

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today



Do you like rollercoasters?

Our new state-of-the-art 3D-printers are in place.

We invest a lot in future technologies to be always ahead and on the pulse with the 4th industrial revolution.

Together with our intraoral scanner, we are able to make impressions more accurate, faster and convenient than ever before. All data is safely stored. Retainers and impressions can be replicated on our new 3D-Printers without making a new model.

No more gagging! It’s without saying, an ongoing process for us to provide always the best treatment for your best smile. That is why we can give you our Bachmannsmile guarantee.

Lutz also had a play and created some little sculptures with the printer.

That’s awesome, isn’t it?

What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09 448 1128 and book an appointment to the future of orthodontics.

Why is there a © after Bachmannsmile©.

We from Bachmann Orthodontics are responsible for your unique smile.
Our motivation is always to achieve the best result for your individual case.
We are working hard and precise and with state-of-the-art technologies for perfection and your satisfaction. That is why we can give a guarantee for the result — the Bachmannsmile©. Is a quality mark, and you can only get the original at Bachmann Orthodontics.
By the way, it means ©laudia as well. Sorry, Lutz.
Not to forget ©andice. Feel free to call Candice: 09448 1128, and make an appointment to get your perfect Bachmannsmile©.
What can we do to make you smile?

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