food for braces

Did you know?
That even soft doughnuts contain a hidden danger.
We advise avoiding sugary foods while wearing braces. While wearing your braces, you will want to avoid extremely soft, chewy or sticky foods that contain a large amount of sugar. Foods that are unsafe while you are wearing your braces.
Cake and pies
Energy drinks
Extremely soft bread
Fruit juices
Heavily processed foods
Ice cream
Sports drinks
However, brushing your teeth 30 minutes after every meal is essential.
This rule will keep your teeth nice and healthy throughout orthodontic treatment.
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Energy drink


Energy Drinks Affect Your Child’s Oral Health!
All energy drinks, even the sugar-free ones, contain an incredibly low pH level, which means they are highly acidic, almost as acidic as battery acid. That softens the tooth enamel, leaving your child’s teeth highly vulnerable to decay, cavities, and even tooth rot.

Sugar: Constant exposure to sugar in energy drinks provides cavity-causing bacteria with an abundant food source. As they feast, bacteria produce acids that attack and weaken the tooth enamel’s outermost layer. That is the first stage in cavity development, which, if left untreated, can continue to progress. So don’t let your teeth get wings.
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