International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated annually on 8 March to commemorate women’s cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements.

It is also a focal point in the women’s rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as: Gender Equality,Reproductive Rights, and Violence & Abuse Against Women.

Spurred on by the universal female suffrage movement that had begun in New Zealand, IWD originated from labour movements in North America and Europe during the early 20th century.


The theme for International Women’s Day, 8 March 2022 (IWD 2022), recognises the contribution of women and girls worldwide, who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and response, building a more sustainable future for all.

What can we do to make you smile?

Contact Bachmann Orthodontics

Advancing gender equality in the context of the climate crisis and disaster risk reduction is one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century.
The issues of climate change and sustainability have had and will continue to have severe and lasting impacts on our environment, economic and social development.

Women are increasingly being recognised as more vulnerable to climate change impacts than men. This is because they constitute the majority of the worlds poor and are more dependent on the natural resources that climate change threatens the most.

Save Your Piggy Bank. 

Maybe you have heard about a cheap DIY Aligners Set to achieve a beautiful smile. Sounds good in the first place. 
As specialist orthodontists and dentists, we can not recommend any treatment without an orthodontic specialist’s complete and ongoing support. 
Bachmann Orthodontics like to be as transparent as we can about the costs of orthodontic treatment. However, the fees do vary depending on the individual case and the course of treatment.
When a client decides to go ahead with treatment at Bachmann Orthodontics, we need to take an initial set of records.
This includes two digital x-rays, photos, models, a detailed treatment plan and a follow-up session to discuss treatment options and preferences.

Cost $390

The cost of braces and orthodontics varies depending on individual requirements. Therefore, all clients will need to be assessed by the Bachmann Orthodontics team before we can decide on the types of treatment available to the patient.

At Bachmann Orthodontic, we Offer Payment & Finance Options

  • Lump-sum upfront with a discount offered on the whole package
  • Monthly instalments with NO interest charged

Ages 6 –10

  • Early orthodontic treatment for younger children
  • Space maintainer from $190
  • Plate, RME (upper expander), Partial braces or similar $2000 – $4200

Ages 11+ and adults

  • High-performance Speed brackets (upper & lower): from $9200, minor corrections as low as $3500
  • Invisalign from $2000 (minor corrections only one jaw) maximum $7800 (difficult cases)
  • Incognito (individually German custom made brackets behind your teeth) from $15,000
  • Clear ceramic brackets to improve aesthetics $50 per bracket

The Bachmann Orthodontic package prices cover the full cost of treatment, including all appliances, repairs and will cover all the possible complications.

The costs include the orthodontic treatment and also one year of retention checks afterwards.

As you can see, a DIY Aligners Set isn’t cheaper. What about the result?


What can we do to make you smile?

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today


Leavers’ School Ball 2020

What a great day to shine and smile.
Excellent education and a beautiful smile are the most
powerful tools in global communication.
What can we do to make you smile?

#smile #Bachmannsmile #BachmannOrthodontics #schoolball #Schoolball2020 #Leaversball #ball2020 #Longbaycollege #RangitotoCollege #KristinSchool #Westlakeboys #Westlakegirls #braces #clearaligners #invisalign #clearbraces #friendship #friends #schoolleaver #leaver #PinehurstSchool #birkenheadcollegeball

Smile Chair

Have you ever heard of furniture with a smile?

( The ball chair designed by Finnish furniture designer Eero Aarnio in 1963). The Ball Chair is also known as the globe chair and is famous for its unconventional shape.

Have also a look for the Smile chair Designed by Lievore, Altherr & Molina or

the Hans Wegner CH07 Smile Lounge Chair for Carl Hansen. 

If you like it unique, have a look at these ladies create amazing one of a kind furniture design — big smile. 

What can we do to make you smile?

Call Candice 09 448 1128‬ and make an appointment today.

Got help from a specialist?

Got help from a specialist?

When it comes to your personal health, you want to make sure that you’ll get the best professional help.
When it comes to achieving the perfect smile, you want to make sure you’re in good hands. What is the difference between a dentist with special interests and a specialist orthodontist? While dentists and orthodontists have a lot in common, specialisation is what sets an orthodontist apart.
What is an orthodontist?
Think of it like the difference between your family GP and a specialist physician such as a cardiologist or a paediatrician. Your family’s general dentist will be able to help you to improve your overall oral health, but a specialist orthodontist is the only properly qualified person to diagnose, prevent and treat dental or facial irregularities, and correctly align your teeth, bite and jaws.
As well as completing a five-year degree in dentistry, an orthodontist also undergoes a further 5,000 hours of specialist training in the field of orthodontics. Whether you or your child are being treated with braces or clear aligners such as Invisalign®, you need to be sure you’re being treated by an orthodontist to get the best results.
That is why we can guarantee the result of our work.
Your beautiful customised Bachmannsmile.
Have you seen a non -specialist and would like a second opinion from a registered orthodontic specialist.
Feel free to make an appointment today 09 448 1128
What can we do to make you smile?

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