Smiles are always in fashion

Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
Smile is undoubtedly the easiest and best possible way to express happiness, and happiness never goes out of fashion.
Smile catalyses positivity. It provides a soothing atmosphere.
Smile is the ultimate weapon. It can win hearts and prevent wars. It can establish peace and restore humanity. A smile may be temporary, but its effects are eternal.
What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice and make an appointment today. 9 448 1128
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Smile Chair

Have you ever heard of furniture with a smile?

( The ball chair designed by Finnish furniture designer Eero Aarnio in 1963). The Ball Chair is also known as the globe chair and is famous for its unconventional shape.

Have also a look for the Smile chair Designed by Lievore, Altherr & Molina or

the Hans Wegner CH07 Smile Lounge Chair for Carl Hansen. 

If you like it unique, have a look at these ladies create amazing one of a kind furniture design — big smile. 

What can we do to make you smile?

Call Candice 09 448 1128‬ and make an appointment today.

A sweet smile

What is a sweet smile? What does it mean?

It means that someone has a beautiful smile

Behind every smile is something.

We would say, smiling a sweet smile, just like an angel.

What can we do to make you smile?

Call Candice 09 448 1128‬ and make an appointment today.

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