Are smiles different

All Smiles are different.
At Bachmann Orthodontics, we help children, teenagers, and adults achieve dream smiles.
Our North Shore Orthodontic practice offers expertise and precision in a friendly, relaxing environment. Our priority is to provide excellent, affordable and convenient orthodontic treatment.
However, the best cure we offer is a big BachmannSmile.
Let’s find out what we can do for you.
Clear or metal, hidden or invisible braces, or clear aligners? There are many options. We will figure out what is the best for you to get the best result. A perfect BachmannSmile.

What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09448 1128 & make an appointment today.

All smiles are different

All smiles are different
At Bachmann Orthodontics, we help children, teenagers, and adults achieve dream smiles.
Our North Shore Orthodontic practice offers expertise and precision in a friendly, relaxing environment. Our priority is to provide excellent, affordable and convenient orthodontic treatment.
However, the best cure we offer is a big BachmannSmile.
Let’s find out what we can do for you.
Clear or metal, hidden or invisible braces, or clear aligners? There are many options. We will figure out what is the best for you to get the best result. A perfect BachmannSmile.

Smiles are always in fashion.

Beautiful Smiles are always in fashion.

A smile is the best timeless fashion item you can wear.

We have spotted these fancy Addidas Boots in Auckland New Market (Adidas Originals x Kerwin Frost “Humanchives”)

We recommend always showing your best fashion accessory, your beautiful smile. 

 Call Candice 09448 1128 for an appointment in your Smile-Boutique. You are welcome to have a consultation with our Smile Design Orthodontic Specialists to get your new customized bachmannsmile for the next session.

What can we do to make you smile?

dental assistant

Bachmann Orthodontics is looking for an experienced dental assistant.

About us

Bachmann Orthodontics is a state-of-the-art specialist orthodontic clinic on the North shore. (

We treat many children, teenagers and adults, specialising in Speedbraces, Incognito and invisible aligners.

Qualifications & experience

  • Dental experience required, DA certificate would be appreciated, orthodontic auxiliaries welcome. We are a great working team and looking for a long term commitment. Health ministry requirements apply.

Tasks & responsibilities

  • All dental assistant duties, like chair assistance, X- rays, records and lab duties.


  • We are a great team of orthodontic auxiliaries and D.A.s and enjoy working together Monday to Thursday, 7:45 am to 5:45 pm.

Applicants must have an N.Z. work visa and provide a current C.V., including an academic record and references with contact details. 

Apply via Seek or email Candice:

What can we do to make you smile?


Wear your retainer before your dog does

Pets like dogs and cats love retainers and aligners.

Dogs are attracted by the smell of the materials from which retainers & aligners are made, as well as saliva. With their powerful jaws, dogs can render them useless in no time. Likewise, cats will play with a retainer and can also damage them.
Be Careful with Retainers
There are two places for removable aligners and retainers: in the mouth or in their case. When taken out of the mouth, they should be placed in their case. When taken out of their case, the retainers or aligners should be placed in the mouth.

Do not wrap it in a napkin – they can easily be thrown away with the trash. Please, do not place retainers or aligners in your pocket unless they are in their protective case. Without the case, retainers that are loose in your pocket can be broken.
Contact your orthodontist immediately if they are lost or broken, however, if it does not fit correctly or if eaten by your dog. Remember – you need to wear your retainers or aligner, not your dog.
What can we do to make you smile?
Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today


Let your teeth shine — while you wait for your kids.
Book our new Dental Hygienist Service parallel to your kid’s appointment for only $99*

Make an appointment today and ask for our
*(Special Offer for family members and friends of our patients. The Regular price will be $125)
09 448 1128 or

What can we do to make you smile?

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Do you like rollercoasters?

Our new state-of-the-art 3D-printers are in place.

We invest a lot in future technologies to be always ahead and on the pulse with the 4th industrial revolution.

Together with our intraoral scanner, we are able to make impressions more accurate, faster and convenient than ever before. All data is safely stored. Retainers and impressions can be replicated on our new 3D-Printers without making a new model.

No more gagging! It’s without saying, an ongoing process for us to provide always the best treatment for your best smile. That is why we can give you our Bachmannsmile guarantee.

Lutz also had a play and created some little sculptures with the printer.

That’s awesome, isn’t it?

What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09 448 1128 and book an appointment to the future of orthodontics.

Problems to watch for in children age 6 to 8

The Association of Orthodontists recommends that children should be evaluated by the time they are age 7.

However, some circumstances may require earlier intervention, such as:

– Excessive overcrowding of teeth

– Open bites: when the upper and lower front teeth fail
to meet

– Overbites: when the upper teeth protrude past the
lower teeth

– Underbites: when the lower teeth protrude past the
upper teeth

– Crossbites: when teeth in the lower jaw overlap teeth
in the upper jaw

Recommended and possible treatments:
Phase I Treatment
(intervention treatment) 6 to 10 years old.
Starts before all the permanent teeth come through.
This treatment is usually recommended to make more space for developing teeth and correct oral problems, such as overbites and crossbites.
Phase I treatment often involves limited dental hardware, such as expanders and partial braces.
Phase II Treatment
(comprehensive treatment) Age 11 to 13.
When all their permanent teeth have come through.
This treatment usually involves full braces.
Whether your child will need phase I or II treatment will depend on the position of their teeth and jaw development.
The benefits of early examinations:
Having your children examined earlier (before age 7) has numerous benefits, including:
– Oral problems can be identified earlier
– tooth extraction can be avoided since more space can
be created
-Long-term treatment can be appropriately determined
and treatment time can be shortened
Make an appointment today and find out what will be the best treatment plan for your child to become perfect Bachmannsmile.


Melanie Cowan Rademeyer We followed this process with my daughter and the results have been phenomenal! Her teeth are beautiful. She is in the last phase of her braces. I highly recommend the above from an early age as stated and then also highly recommend Bachmann Orthodontist….I would not go anywhere else!

20 January 2020

Oh, what a magic date to start 🙂
We’re all back at work now.
We all have enjoyed the long season break. The whole team starts refreshed into 2020 with one mission to create your beautiful smile.
If you are back from your summer holidays, do not hesitate and call Candice 09448 1128 for your next appointment.
What can we do to make you smile?

Speed up your new smile

Do you get the speed you want to achieve for your new smile?
If you want to straighten your teeth but don’t want to wear braces for the typical up to three years, short-term orthodontics can give you the smile you wish to achieve, quicker – if it’s compatible with your need. One option of “short-term” braces are Speed Braces®.
Self-Ligating Braces
The “Speed” approach is a trademarked term. It uses self-ligating braces, which are different from traditional braces. Usually, Orthodontist uses three main components to move your teeth into their ideal position: The bracket, which is placed on each tooth; the archwire, which runs through each bracket and places pressure on the teeth; and a tie, usually made from elastic that connects the archwire to the bracket.
Self-ligating braces don’t use ties. Instead, a permanently installed, the clip holds the archwire in place. Not using ties reduces the resistance of friction between the bracket and the wire, letting your teeth move more freely and using less applied force.
Speed Braces are available in metal (stainless steel), other clip brackets in cosmetic porcelain.
But to be honest, it always depends on the individual case and treatment how fast you get your perfect Bachmannsmile©.
Give Candice a call: 09448 1128 and ask for “Speed-Braces.”
What can we do to make you smile?

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