Interdental cleaning before brushing

New research has shown that interdental cleaning before brushing is the best way to clean our teeth effectively. The study found that flossing loosens bacteria and food debris from between the teeth. This allows brushing to be much more successful at removing plaque.

Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is essential for a good oral health routine. However, the study shows that interdental cleaning also has a big part to play in keeping our teeth and gums healthy.

Brushing alone only cleans three of the five surfaces of our teeth. Cleaning between them before we pick up our toothbrush is hugely beneficial. Especially when you have braces or aligners, it helps prevent gum disease by removing plaque from areas the toothbrush alone cannot reach.

It is a myth that having a good oral health routine begins and ends with brushing our teeth twice a day. 

The importance of looking after the health of our teeth and gums by cleaning interdentally and then brushing cannot be stressed enough. Doing this alongside maintaining a balanced, low-in-sugar diet and regularly visiting the dentist. This will make us far less likely to encounter problems with our oral health.”

What can we do to make you smile?

Make an appointment today.


Flower smiles

Today we received flowers from a happy patient.
You made us smile.
We are overwhelmed.
Thank you so much.

What can we do to make you smile?

Contact Call Candice 09448 1128 & make an appointment today.

All orthodontic tools are nearly the same….!!!

Most important is who has the best knowledge and experience to achieve the right result.
Everybody can paint! Everybody can drive a car! Can they? 
May it has a reason why only a few people can drive a racecar. 
They are specialists like Orthodontists.
An orthodontist is a dentist who undertakes an additional 2 to 3 years of university full-time training and studies in Orthodontics. Only an orthodontist has the post-graduate training to practice orthodontics.
Orthodontists are focused and specialised in straightening teeth
making them bite together correctly along with treating skeletal irregularities.
Only an orthodontist can offer a specialist diagnosis and see the full picture of treatment options.
Many cases will require specialist treatment. Your dentist may advise you if the treatment required is outside their expertise.
However, if you are not sure, do not hesitate to seek a second opinion. 
You don’t need a referral from your dentist or dental therapist to make an appointment with a specialist orthodontist.
Go for the real thing!
Bachmann Orthodontics

orthodontic treatment with baby teeth

You can start orthodontic treatment while you still have some baby teeth.

Orthodontics can help correct your child’s bite before their adult teeth come in. The recommended age to visit an orthodontist is the age of seven. It is the ideal age for several reasons. 

First, it is beneficial to the orthodontist to see how the smile is shaping up with the mix of baby and permanent teeth. 

Second, Bachmann Orthodontics can monitor the eruption pattern of permanent teeth, jaw growth and development, and spot any issues that might become more serious as the permanent teeth begin to erupt.

In some cases, if we wait until all the baby teeth have fallen out, that may be too late to create an ideal smile most effectively. But on the other hand, treating patients while still having some baby teeth can create a perfect environment into which the permanent teeth can erupt. And often, this means later treatment is more effective and efficient.

The younger your child is, the more straightforward orthodontic treatment can be. The most important reason is that both the upper and lower jaws are still growing. This is giving us the chance to guide their development to ensure we can reduce crowding and help the permanent teeth erupt correctly.

Free monitoring program

We have implemented a free, regular oral development monitoring program for your child to ensure we begin their treatment at the best time possible. In addition, we have many years of experience & training in assessing a child’s pace of oral development. Therefore, it is usually immediately evident to us what level of treatment will be required.

When we assess a child or young adult, we always consider what their teeth are likely to do between the time we first see them and when their treatment is expected to begin. As a result, we can more accurately estimate the best age for braces in their specific case. In addition, we constantly tailor our orthodontic treatment programs to each and their needs.

What can we do to make you smile?

Make an appointment today and find out what will be the best treatment plan for your child to become a perfect Bachmannsmile.







 #OrthodontistsAssociation  #Crossbites #Underbites #Overbites #Openbites #overcrowding  #permanentteeth #braces #specialistorthodontist #bachmannorthodontics 

New patients welcome

We are happy to announce that we are “Open for all smiles” now.
If you didn’t receive a message from us regarding your regular check-up appointment, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to book you in.
We are also able to see new patients for an initial consultation.
New patients welcome!
Call Candice 09 448 1128 and book your consultation today.
Spread the word, not the virus.
What can we do to make you smile?

#bachmannorthodontics #bachmannsmile

Open for all smiles

Open for all smiles now.
We are open for all our patient’s regular check-ups.
If you didn’t receive a message from us on your phone regarding your regular appointment, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to book you in.

Please note Bachmann Orthodontics is a safe environment. We do everything to keep you and our staff safe at any time.
Additional safety measures will be in place to minimise the risk by preventing the spread of disease. Physical distancing and wearing a mask is an ideal precaution to prevent the spread of disease. However, we follow government advice for dental health. We ask that the patients wait at the door at the time of their appointment. They will be asked a few assessment questions before entering.

It’s an advantage that we designed a huge state-of-the-art practice around the needs of our patients in Albany, North Shore. As a result, we are equipped with the newest Orthodontist technologies to create your beautiful Bachmannsmile.
Social distancing is maintained at all times. Just follow the safety lines on the floor. You won’t contact anyone else, and everything runs in a roundabout like a clock. Of course, with the highest hygienic standards that you are used to from us. Please note that we are accepting New Patients.

We are “Open for all smiles” now.
Spread the word, not the virus.
What can we do to make you smile?

#bachmannorthodontic #bachmannsmile

Yummy food for braces.

Yummy food for braces.
We have attached a recipe you can enjoy with braces.
So you don’t have to worry that a bracket gets loose.
It is so yummy, quick and easy to make. 

How to make JUICY Pesto Pasta with pesto sauce


  • 1/2 cup+ pesto 
  • 300 – 350 g / 10 – 12 oz pasta of choice 
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 3/4 cup pasta cooking water
  • Parmesan, for serving


1) Bring a large pot of water to the boil with the salt.
2) Add pasta and cook for the length of time per the packet.
3) Just before draining, scoop out 1 cup of the pasta cooking water.
4) Drain pasta in a colander, leave it for a minute.
5) Transfer pasta to a bowl (do not use pasta cooking pot, too hot).
6) Add pesto and 1/4 cup of pasta water. Toss to coat the pasta in pesto, adding more water if required to make pasta silky and saucy, rather than dry and sticky.
7) Taste; add more salt and pepper if desired.
8) Serve immediately, garnished with fresh parmesan.
We are happy to announce that we are able to provide emergency care in Alert Level 3.
If you need emergency treatment at Alert level 3, please give us a call.
What can we do to make you smile?
#pasta #Italianpasta #pastarecipe #pesto #pestopasta #foodforbraces #braces #recipe #smile #bachmannsmile #bachmannorthodontics #emergencytreatment #covid19 #alertlevel3 #orthodontist #orthodontics #bracesemergency

7 Steps to a Successful Orthodontic Treatment



Ensure a successful orthodontic treatment by following these instructions from your Auckland orthodontists Drs Lutz and Claudia Bachmann.


Clean your Teeth and Braces

Keeping your teeth clean when wearing braces is very important. We recommend using the following tools for cleaning:

  • Toothbrushes
  • Fluoride toothpaste
  • Fluoride rinse
  • Dental floss
  • Interproximal brush – Interproximal brushes are tiny disposable brushes that are small enough to slip under the archwire of your braces and help remove plaque and food particles.


Follow Instructions

Follow the instructions your Auckland orthodontist has given you on wearing the rubber bands, retainers or any other fixed or removable orthodontic appliances.

Schedule Regular Appointments

Your appointments are a part of the plan your orthodontist has designed to take you through the different stages of your orthodontic treatment. Make sure you attend each scheduled appointment as it’s an important part of your treatment.

Wear a Mouthguard

Protect not only your teeth but also your braces and orthodontic appliances by always wearing a mouthguard when playing a sport.


Avoid Foods that are Bad for Your Braces

Make sure to stay away from hard, sticky and crunchy foods while you are wearing braces. Slice raw vegetables and fruits into bite-sized pieces to eat.

Inform your Orthodontist About Loose or Broken Appliances

If your orthodontic appliance is loose or broken call and schedule an appointment with our Auckland orthodontic office as soon as possible. It’s best not to wait until your next appointment. Bring any broken pieces of the appliance with you.

Following these steps and visiting your Auckland orthodontist office regularly will result in a beautiful and healthy smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or visit our website for more information.

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Dental Golf Joke

Orthodontists and dentists are working in the same profession, but they have different ways to look at things.
First of all, an orthodontist is a dentist who undertakes an additional 2 to 3 years of university full-time training and studies in orthodontics. Only an orthodontist has the post-graduate training to practice orthodontics.
Only a specialist orthodontist has the experience and knowledge to deliver safe and effective treatment. Orthodontists dedicate their lives to continuously updating their knowledge in the field of orthodontics. This is why seeing an NZ registered specialist orthodontist for your orthodontic treatment will ensure you can have absolute confidence in the level of care you will receive.

Orthodontics is what they do best. In fact, it’s what they do all day, every day.
You don’t need a referral from your dentist or dental therapist to make an appointment with a specialist orthodontist.
What can we do to make you smile?
Claudia & Lutz Bachmann, Specialist Orthodontics


Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

World Emoji Day

 The word “emoji” is made up of two different words: ‘e’ for picture and ‘moji’ for character.

We often use emojis to convey a feeling, and there’s a particular emoji for most of those emotions. Emojis have become a significant part of our written communication—Emojis attempt to fill in a gap when communication happens virtually. A Smile says more than 1000 words. 


What can we do to make you smile?

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Smiling elevates your mood

Forcing yourself to smile when you’re sad will actually elevate your mood.

Thanks to endorphins from smiling, faking it till you make it actually works!

For your smile of happiness, we offer a variety of options: traditional metal braces and clear ceramic braces, hidden incognito braces, and clear aligners. 

In contrast to the past appliances, today’s braces are smaller, lighter, and more comfortable to wear. Find out which option is best for your lifestyle.

Clear or metal, hidden or invisible, there are many options. We will figure out what is the best for you to get the best result. A perfect Bachmannsmile.

Make an appointment today to get your individual customised Bachmannsmile! 094481128

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Smile the secret of iconic brands

What is the secret of world-famous iconic brands?

A sympathetic smile.

We believe that a smile can change the world. 

We aim to create the best functional and aesthetically pleasing smile. 

Why do people trust brands like us? Because we are highly skilled specialists in our profession. Always work with the state of the art technologies. Make a transparent treatment plan — no hidden costs. 

We can guarantee the result with our Bachmann-Smile-Guarantee.

Contact us today for an appointment at 094481128

What can we do to make you smile?

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today



Association of Orthodontics

Bachmann Orthodontics is happy to announce that the NZAO ( Association of Orthodontics) selected our practice to review Orthodontic Auxiliary candidates. Eight candidates from all over New Zealand (Christchurch, Wellington, Rotorua, Auckland), including two from our practice, successfully passed their exam after 2 days of review.

We are proud that we have seven highly qualified Orthodontic Auxiliary and one Orthodontic Auxiliary Trainees in our Team.

That guarantees you the highest state-of-the-art Bachmann Orthodontics smile quality.
It goes without saying that we can give a Bachmannsmile Guarantee of our orthodontic work.


What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice and make an appointment today.

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today
Our friendly and highly professional orthodontics team is happy to work for you.

Proper Brushing

Brush the outer side of your teeth. This is the front side of your teeth that is seen when you smile. Don’t forget to remove the plaque along the part of your tooth closest to the gum line.

Begin on the outside of your top teeth. Bite your teeth together. Rub the toothbrush back and forth across your teeth while gradually moving the toothbrush across your top teeth. Make sure you reach all the way back to your molars. Spit if necessary.

Use small circles to brush the braces. Spend at least 25 – 30 seconds on each bracket. You can also use your interdental brush to brush over the tops of your brackets. Most brackets have holes in them (very hard to see) so try wiggling the interdental brush down into each bracket

Brush the crowns of your teeth. Turn your toothbrush perpendicular to the spaces between your teeth. Rub the brush back and forth and also use a circular motion. This helps get the hard to reach crevices that can harbor plaque and food particles.

Brush the inner side of your teeth. Move the toothbrush back and forth, up and down and then with circular motions on the inside of your top and bottom teeth. When you have braces, the inner side of your teeth are usually the easiest to brush because they are not crowded with braces.

Now brush the outside of your bottom teeth. With your teeth still together, gently brush in circular motions. Make sure you move the toothbrush across all your front teeth and back to the outsides of your molars as well. It may be easier to reach the back of your mouth if you open your mouth a little.

What can we do to make you smile?

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Save Your Piggy Bank. 

Maybe you have heard about a cheap DIY Aligners Set to achieve a beautiful smile. Sounds good in the first place. 
As specialist orthodontists and dentists, we can not recommend any treatment without an orthodontic specialist’s complete and ongoing support. 
Bachmann Orthodontics like to be as transparent as we can about the costs of orthodontic treatment. However, the fees do vary depending on the individual case and the course of treatment.
When a client decides to go ahead with treatment at Bachmann Orthodontics, we need to take an initial set of records.
This includes two digital x-rays, photos, models, a detailed treatment plan and a follow-up session to discuss treatment options and preferences.

Cost $390

The cost of braces and orthodontics varies depending on individual requirements. Therefore, all clients will need to be assessed by the Bachmann Orthodontics team before we can decide on the types of treatment available to the patient.

At Bachmann Orthodontic, we Offer Payment & Finance Options

  • Lump-sum upfront with a discount offered on the whole package
  • Monthly instalments with NO interest charged

Ages 6 –10

  • Early orthodontic treatment for younger children
  • Space maintainer from $190
  • Plate, RME (upper expander), Partial braces or similar $2000 – $4200

Ages 11+ and adults

  • High-performance Speed brackets (upper & lower): from $9200, minor corrections as low as $3500
  • Invisalign from $2000 (minor corrections only one jaw) maximum $7800 (difficult cases)
  • Incognito (individually German custom made brackets behind your teeth) from $15,000
  • Clear ceramic brackets to improve aesthetics $50 per bracket

The Bachmann Orthodontic package prices cover the full cost of treatment, including all appliances, repairs and will cover all the possible complications.

The costs include the orthodontic treatment and also one year of retention checks afterwards.

As you can see, a DIY Aligners Set isn’t cheaper. What about the result?


What can we do to make you smile?

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today


Oral Piercings and Braces

Oral piercings and braces are not a good combination. Drs. Lutz and Claudia Bachmann share with their patients the threats oral piercings pose when it comes to oral health and orthodontic appliances.

So, you love your oral piercings. But how do you feel about chipped teeth, receding gum lines and adding months to your orthodontic treatment?

“I love that my patients have all developed their own unique ways of expressing their individuality,” says Lutz Bachmann, a family orthodontist who provides orthodontics for adults and children. “However, I’m not a fan of oral piercings because of the havoc they’re known to wreak on teeth, appliances and health.”

Since the health of our patients and their mouths are what is most important to us, let’s start with the reasons why oral piercings aren’t synonymous with a healthy mouth.

1.)    Infection

Everyone likes to think they have a clean mouth, however, on average “800 to 1,000 different bacteria may call your mouth ‘home,’” says Dr De Vizio of Colgate.

When you get an oral piercing, the open wound gives these bacteria a direct route to your bloodstream.  And playing with and changing the jewellery only introduces more strains into the mouth. A piercing also leaves one more nook for food to get trapped in, providing additional food and breeding ground for bacteria; bed and breakfast for bacteria, if you will.

2.)    Nerve Damage

There are many nerves and blood vessels in the tongue and several ways they can be damaged by piercings. First, if the piercer accidentally hits a nerve or wrong blood vessel, there is a chance you will suffer from numbness or excessive bleeding. Second, if your jewellery gets hung in your braces or anything else, there is always the possibility that it could be ripped from your mouth and result in scarring or nerve damage as well.

3.)    Gum Disease

A large number of people with oral piercings experience gum erosion, which if not stabilized can lead to tooth loss and even death.

“Patients often have an overwhelming urge to play with oral jewellery, but even if they don’t, the gums still incur constant trauma from contact with the lip or tongue ring,” says Dr Claudia Bachmann. “Over time the jewellery wears the gums away, exposing the tooth’s root.”

Once the gums recede, they do not grow back, and the exposed roots make patients prone to gum disease and tooth loss.

“I’ve seen gum recession in patients who have had their piercing for as little as six weeks,” says Dr Lutz. “It happens fast and is especially difficult to spot in cases of tongue piercings since the damage is often isolated to the area behind the teeth. Patients should remove their jewellery at the first sign of erosion and seek treatment which often involves a skin graft if decay or infection hasn’t already occurred.”

4.)    Damaged Teeth

Teeth can be chipped or fractured while eating, talking and even sleeping when there is an oral piercing involved.

“The most common problem we see is patients wanting to chew on their metal barbells or run them across the backs of their teeth like they’re playing a xylophone,” says Dr Claudia. “This constant contact is disastrous for teeth and if a patient falls or their head is jarred while they are chewing on their jewellery it often results in chipping.”

Even the constant drip of water can carve a hole in a stone. So you can only imagine what metal does to a tooth when it is constantly rubbed against it. Enamel does not regenerate itself so when it’s gone patients experience extreme sensitivity, discomfort and possible need for extraction.

 Many pierced patients request Invisalign under the impression that it will protect their teeth from damage. While Invisalign does cover the surface of each tooth, it’s a common misconception that it makes having oral piercings safe. It does nothing to protect the gums from the constant contact and pressure that erodes them permanently, which is the most problematic type of damage caused by piercings.

5.)    Longer Orthodontic Treatment

It’s great if you enjoy wearing braces, but the fact of the matter is that most patients don’t, which is just one more reason why we don’t approve of oral piercings during orthodontic treatment.

While being treated with orthodontics even things as hard as an apple have the potential to dislodge brackets and bend archwires. When the jewellery in your mouth gets hooked to your braces, it can happen so fast that before you know it, you’ve either broken your braces or your jewellery has torn from your tongue or lip, which as you can imagine, is not a pretty sight. Damaged braces or a massive amount of oral trauma has the potential to add months to your orthodontic treatment.

What If You Can’t Give Them Up?

“At Bachmann Orthodontics we are extremely against oral piercings and will not treat a patient unless they agree to remove their oral piercing(s),” says Dr Lutz. “We hope our stand against piercings speaks volumes to their dangers and causes those with piercings or considering them to think twice before subjecting their smile to irreversible damage. You only get one set of adult teeth; we want them to last.”


Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

An excellent performance deserves a perfect smile.

As one of the proud sponsors, we are happy to announce that the “Program” and “Detailed Schedule” for the NDC ( National Dance Challenge 2021 / 11 June -13 June at Kristin school is online. Please look at their website for the complete program of all three days and more details. @nationaldancechallengenz

We hope to see us there to celebrate all the excellent performers. 

Auditorium 11 – 13 June 2021 


What can we do to make you smile?

>>Call Candice and make an appointment today.

>>‭09 448 1128‬

Keep calm and smile with braces

What can we do to make you smile?
Call Candice 09448 1128 & make an appointment today. Let’s find out what we can do for you, to achieve a BachmannSmile.

Mothers Day Smile

Only a few days to think about a perfect gift for Mothers Day.

If you need some inspiration, have a look here:

  1. Mother’s Day gift ideas to help you shop local here.
  2. If you are after something totally unique, please have a look at the ByeByeLoveNZ website here.
  3. Let your mothers teeth shine with our new Dental Hygienist service. Only $99. Please make an appointment or ask Candice for a voucher. 09 448 1128 or or visit our website here.

What can we do to make you smile?

Why has chocolate hidden dangers?

Did you consume a lot of chocolate this Easter weekend? 

Chocolate is a nice treat; however, be careful of hidden dangers.

  • Chocolate with fruit and nut: the nuts are too hard and may cause brackets to come off. The raisins are very sticky and will get stuck around your appliance.
  • If Chocolate contains caramel is very sticky and chewy and should be avoided.
  • Chocolate that contains nougat: Nougat gets stuck around your appliance.
  • Chocolate from the fridge is too hard to eat whilst wearing orthodontic appliances; ensure it is at room temperature before consuming.

However, we advise avoiding sugary foods while wearing braces. While wearing your braces, you will want to avoid foods that are extremely soft, chewy or sticky and that contain a large amount of sugar or starch. Foods that are safe and unsafe while you are wearing your braces.

  • Cake and pies
  • Energy drinks
  • Extremely soft bread
  • Fruit juices
  • Gum
  • Heavily processed foods
  • Ice cream
  • Fizzes
  • Sports drinks

And it is essential to brush your teeth 30 minutes after every meal. 

This role will keep your teeth nice and healthy throughout orthodontic treatment.


What can we do to make you smile?

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today


There is no second

Congratulations to team Luna Rosso for winning the Prada Cup 2021.
They scored 7-1 against Ineos Team UK.
Now they have earned the right to challenge the NZ Kiwi crew in the America’s Cup, which begins on March 6.
Who will win the oldest trophy in international sport?
What do you think?

Check out our Speed braces!!


What can we do to make you smile?

New Team Member

We are happy to announce a new team member at Bachmann Orthodontics.

Lizette was born and raised in South Africa and moved to New Zealand with her husband and two kids in 2015. She has over 9 years’ experience working in dental and orthodontic practices. Liz is looking forward to starting her studies to become a qualified orthodontic auxiliary. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, baking and the outdoors.
“Liz, we are happy to have you on board.”

What can we do to make you smile?

Leavers’ School Ball 2020

What a great day to shine and smile.
Excellent education and a beautiful smile are the most
powerful tools in global communication.
What can we do to make you smile?

#smile #Bachmannsmile #BachmannOrthodontics #schoolball #Schoolball2020 #Leaversball #ball2020 #Longbaycollege #RangitotoCollege #KristinSchool #Westlakeboys #Westlakegirls #braces #clearaligners #invisalign #clearbraces #friendship #friends #schoolleaver #leaver #PinehurstSchool #birkenheadcollegeball

Everyone can… Can they?

Everyone can drive!
Can they?

Everyone can play the flute!
Can they?

May it has a reason why only a few people can play with a whole orchestra or driving a racecar.
They are specialists. Like Orthodontists.
An orthodontist is a dentist who undertakes an additional 2 to 3 years of university full-time training and studies in Orthodontics. Only an orthodontist can offer a specialist diagnosis and see the full picture of treatment options.
Orthodontists are focused and specialised in straightening teeth
making them bite together correctly along with treating skeletal irregularities.
Many cases will require specialist treatment. Your dentist may advise you if the treatment required is outside their expertise.
However, if you are not sure, do not hesitate to seek a second opinion.
You don’t need a referral from your dentist or dental therapist to make an appointment with a specialist orthodontist.
Go for the real thing!
What can we do to make you smile?
Claudia & Lutz Bachmann Orthodontics

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

Everybody can make ice!

All orthodontic tools are nearly the same on the globe.
Most important is who has the best knowledge and experience to achieve the right result.

Everybody can paint! Everybody can drive a car! Can they?
May it has a reason why only a few people can drive a racecar.
They are specialists. Like Orthodontists.
An orthodontist is a dentist who undertakes an additional 2 to 3 years of university fulltime training and studies in Orthodontics. Only an orthodontist has the post-graduate training to practice orthodontics.
Orthodontists are focused and specialised in straightening teeth
making them bite together correctly along with treating skeletal irregularities.
Only an orthodontist can offer a specialist diagnosis and see the full picture of treatment options.
Many cases will require specialist treatment. Your dentist may advise you if the treatment required is outside their expertise.
However, if you are not sure, do not hesitate to seek a second opinion.
You don’t need a referral from your dentist or dental therapist to make an appointment with a specialist orthodontist.
Go for the real thing!
What can we do to make you smile?
Claudia & Lutz Bachmann Orthodontics

#bachmannorthodontics #bachmannsmile #orthodontist #specialistorthodontist #ortho #dentist #dentistry #wolf #banana #specialist #nzao #fake #AssociationofOrthodontists #northshoreorthodontist #albanyorthodontist #aucklandorthodontist #newzealandorthodontist #treatment #qualification #fairytale #invisalign #braces #smile #speedbraces #incognito #incognitobraces #ceramicbraces #invisiblebraces #straightteeth #teeth

Fluoride protect your Kiwi kids teeth

Fluoride helps to protect your Kiwi kids teeth for a healthier smile. We recommend to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste or drink water with fluoride.

Health benefits of fluoride:

Reminalzes the tooth enamel

Exerts antibacterial properties

Prevents further decay

If you want to read more about feel free to have a look at the NZHerald article below.

 ‘Woeful’ neglect of kids’ teeth: Researchers call for Govt action

Experts have called for an end to the “woeful” neglect of Kiwi kids’ dental health, with a major new study revealing one in seven of our 4-year-olds are suffering tooth decay. The study, drawing on data ….

What can we do to make you smile?

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