..Mona Lisa smile


What is the meaning of Mona Lisa’s smile?

 The word “giocondo” is not only a family name but also an Italian word meaning “jovial” or “self-amused.” As it happens, enigmatic facial expressions – especially smiles – are something of a Da Vinci trademark. Yet this particular smile has sparked hot debate for nearly five hundred years.

The magic of the Mona Lisa’s smile is that it seems to react to our gaze. What is she thinking? She smiles back, mysteriously. Look again. Her smile seems to flicker. We glance away, and the enigmatic smile lingers in our minds, as it does in the collective mind of humanity. In no other painting are motion and emotion, the paired touchstones of Leonardo’s art, so intertwined.

The mystery has finally been solved after 500 years.


It is one of the most-discussed works of art ever, partly thanks to the subject’s ambiguous look.

According to a recent study by the University of Freiburg, though, the answer to whether she is “sad” or “happy” is simple: her expression is unequivocally “happy”.

Twelve participants were shown nine black and white photos of the Mona Lisa, eight of which had been digitally manipulated at the mouth; four made the model look happier, the other four sadder.

After shuffling the photos and showing them to each participant 30 times, the team found that the original photo was thought to be “happy” 97 per cent of the time.

What can we do to make you smile?

Maybe a magic Bachmannsmile. 

Whatever it is call Candice 09448 1128 to make an appointment today.

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