7 Steps to a Successful Orthodontic Treatment



Ensure a successful orthodontic treatment by following these instructions from your Auckland orthodontists Drs Lutz and Claudia Bachmann.


Clean your Teeth and Braces

Keeping your teeth clean when wearing braces is very important. We recommend using the following tools for cleaning:

  • Toothbrushes
  • Fluoride toothpaste
  • Fluoride rinse
  • Dental floss
  • Interproximal brush – Interproximal brushes are tiny disposable brushes that are small enough to slip under the archwire of your braces and help remove plaque and food particles.


Follow Instructions

Follow the instructions your Auckland orthodontist has given you on wearing the rubber bands, retainers or any other fixed or removable orthodontic appliances.

Schedule Regular Appointments

Your appointments are a part of the plan your orthodontist has designed to take you through the different stages of your orthodontic treatment. Make sure you attend each scheduled appointment as it’s an important part of your treatment.

Wear a Mouthguard

Protect not only your teeth but also your braces and orthodontic appliances by always wearing a mouthguard when playing a sport.


Avoid Foods that are Bad for Your Braces

Make sure to stay away from hard, sticky and crunchy foods while you are wearing braces. Slice raw vegetables and fruits into bite-sized pieces to eat.

Inform your Orthodontist About Loose or Broken Appliances

If your orthodontic appliance is loose or broken call and schedule an appointment with our Auckland orthodontic office as soon as possible. It’s best not to wait until your next appointment. Bring any broken pieces of the appliance with you.

Following these steps and visiting your Auckland orthodontist office regularly will result in a beautiful and healthy smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation or visit our website for more information.

Enquire about braces > Book a consultation today

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